n i n e

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*Jacks pov*

So i called the boys and they all rushed to the hospital

Im at the police station rn and Christina is in the room with the cop

*Christinas pov*


Po: Why did u do that to Aspen

C: Because she came at me for beating up her bestfriend

Po: u cant just go around fighting ppl without consequences

C: But i was protecting myself and Angel

Po: But u could of killed her

C:Good maybe I'll try harder next time

Po:*he rolled his eyes* ok but tell me what happened with angel and how she broke her leg

C: So me and aspen were fighting and then angel tried to hold me back and then aspen got a metal pole and hit her leg and broke it

C:Angel didnt hit aspen or anything *I lied, i didnt want angel to get pulled into this anymore than she is*

Po: Ok now tell me how Aspens broke her arm and leg

C:*i laughted nervously* umm yea i dont know

Po:well her leg and arm is shattered so either u tell me or u'll get charged with obstruction of justice

C:ok. ok damm ill tell u... I might of hit her with the pole she used on Angel

Po: Fuck Christina u cant do this shit u already beat up gabbie and her but now u broker her leg and arm

C: Gezz sorry

Po: yea but ur gonna have to do community service

C:for how long?

Po:3 months ur lucky cuz u committed a felony and usually u get time

Po: and u gonna have to pay a fine

C:fuck ok

Po:Oh and Aspen is gonna have to do community service once shes healed and have to pay fines for what she did to Angel

C:*i laughted* good

C: Can i go now


*i walked out to see Jack sitting there waiting for me*

*He comes up and hugs me i hug him back

We kiss*

"So what happened" he said

"I have to pay some fines and do community service for 3 months" i say

"Fuck well at least u didnt get jail time" he said "yea i almost did tho" i said

"Damm ur so hot when u fuck someone up" he said "ik"i say.

Then he kisses me again grabbing my ass

"What was that for" i said "Cuz i love u" he says in a seductive way "i love u too" i said

"Maybe we'll take this a little farther after we visit Angel" i say

*He smiles*

*we go to the hospital*

"Hey boo how u doin" i say

"Not to bad actually" she says

"Good but what the doc say about ur leg" i said

"Ima have to get a cast but then i can go home"she says

"Yay i need u at home"

"But enough about me what happened with u" she said

"Oh ima just have to do community service and pay a fine"

"I almost got jail time" i say

"Well im glad u didnt" she said

*we hug*

"Ok well me and Jack are gonna go to the house see u tomorrow"

"Ok love u" she says

"Love u too" i say to her

Soo i wonder whats gonna happen in the next chapter

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