Lemy's pov I freaked out as my best friend tells me she got us into a party tonight and blackbear was gonna be there. "Brooke this is huge! We are gonna be in the same damn room as blackbear!" I freaked, This was always my dream, I have wanted to meet him for ages. "Go get ready girl!" Brooke said and I dashed off to my room slipping on a short maroon dress and white heels. I did my makeup and hair. I smiled and went downstairs. "Do I look good?" I said as I twirled a piece of hair around my finger. "You look so hot. Let's get pictures then get outta here." I snapped a few of her inside and we went outside for mine. ———————————————————————————
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9,867 likes BrookeBeauty hey babes ❤️ I'm party ready 8,068 comments LemyBeauty so beautiful 😍😍 we are gonna be center of attention at this party!! ———————————————————————————
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11,497 likes LemyBeauty me and my girl Brooke are ready to fucking party 🎉 9,986 comments Blackbear what party you going to? I'll be at one tonight *reply to blackbear* LemyBeuty I heard that your gonna be at the party I'm going to 🤔 *reply to LemyBeauty* blackbear well if I see you'll I'll be sure to talk to you ——————————————————————————— "Brooke look at this!" I freaked out as I held up the comments between me and blackbear. "Lets get to this party!!" Brooke sad as she practically pulled me out of the house. *skipping the car ride* As we pulled up I started freaking out because I was so nervous. We got out of the car and we opened the door walking in. It was already so crowded but I spotted him right away. His green hair stood out like a sore thumb from the crowd. Me and Brooke made our way to the kitchen where some guy smiled and handed us each two shots. "Everyone who walks in gets shots" He said with a smile. I downed the shots with Brooke and we smiled before walking back out with a mixed drink. I looked up to see blackbear looking directly at me from where he was sitting. He got up and walked over. I didn't realize how tall he was, even in my heels I was tiny. I wasn't extremely short but I was only 5'2. Brooke nudged me then ran into the crowd leaving me alone. "Hey, didn't really expect to see you." He said with a smile. "I don't expect to see you either," I said with a giggle, "my friend Brooke got us into the party because she heard you were gonna be here." He smiled and I blushed. "You look astonishing." He whispered in my ear. Chills covered my body when I felt his breath on my skin. ** Hours went by and me and him haven't left eachother sides. I also have had so many drinks. Some guy with black hair came up to me and started flirting and touching my thigh. Then I felt someone grab my hand and I looked over to see blackbear holding my hand tightly with a slight look of annoyance. "C-can you go?" I slurred at the man who was flirting. He rolled his eyes and walked away. "You okay?" Blackbear said softly. "I don't want his attention I want yours." I slurred out as I laid on his lap, not disconnecting our hands. "You want to go somewhere quiet?" He whispered in my ear. My heart skipped a beat and I nodded. He smiled and we walked down a hallway. Before we went out of sight Brooke looked at me with a look like 'yes bitch' which I responded to with a smile. We walked into this room which was empty and I'm pretty sure it was a bedroom, but I could be wrong. We sat down on the couch and I sat beside him. I laid my head on his shoulder and he softly rubbed my inner thigh with his thumb. I sipped my drink and I looked at him. I set my cup down on the floor and I placed my hand on his hand. He looked over at me with his green eyes and I bit my lip softly. I seen his eyes look between my lips and my eyes. His free hand made its way to my face as he pressed his lips to mine. Fuck, it was like shocks were sent through my body. I didn't separate our lips but I got onto his lap and his hand that was on my thigh now was grabbing my ass. When we parted our lips I looked at him biting my lip. I slowly pulled his jean jacket off and he looked at me with a smirk that could kill. I felt his hands slide up my thighs and under my dress. His fingers made their way to my thong and slowly pulled it off. I blushed and he picked me up laying me on the bed. I heard my phone go off but I ignored it. He got on the bed and he held himself up over me as he made out with me. I felt my body shiver because I wanted him so badly. Then my phone started ringing. "Do you want to get that?" He asked. "Maybe I should..." I said sadly. I got up and I felt that my ass was out partially but I was too drunk to care. I grabbed my phone seeing it was Brooke. I answered it. "What's up?" I asked her kinda annoyed. "I had to leave and I tried texting you but I'm on my way home." She said with sadness in her tone. "I'll find a ride home. I hope you had fun..." "I did, and you keep having fun, I'll see you when you get home." She said and she hung up. I sat back on the bed and I felt blackbear come up to me and he softly kissed my shoulder. "My friend went home so I'm stuck here." "I can give you a ride home if I can have your number." He said with a slick tone. "Of course you can." I said with a smile. I laid back on his chest and he pressed his lips to mine once more and his hand rested on my inner thigh. I put my number into his phone with the contact name Lemy 💋💍 I handed him his phone back and he smiled. "Lemy, I want to formally introduce myself, I'm Matthew." He said with a smile. "Matthew..." I thought to myself. "Yeah, I could tell you didn't know my name." Or maybe it wasn't to myself. "Sorry I- uh" "It's okay a lot of people don't know my name." He said calmly as his hand made its way further and further down my thigh. I tugged his shirt softly and he looked at me. I pulled it off him and I looked at his chest. His tattoos like amazing on him. His hand was less then an inch from my sex so I moved onto his lap and we laid down. My sex pressed against his through his jeans and I blushed. I touched his chest softly and he looked at me with lust in his eyes.
To be continued
Heyyyy was this chapter trash? Probablyyyy!!! But hey it's a start. It's also 11 at night But imma try to start the next chapter but be warned it might have smut