Chapter 12

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A/N: Before this chapter starts, its been three days since you were kidnapped by Ilia.


I woke up to someone kissing the back of my neck. My eyes shot open, and Sienna sat up smiling.

"Good morning my tigress~" She purred kissing me

I didn't kiss her back since I still didn't know her that well. She pulled away and scratched my ear,

"The girls and I have to leave for a little bit, but don't worry! I'll have guards outside the door if you need anything."

I nodded as she got off the bed, and headed towards the door. She opened it just as two white fang soldiers approached the door. She closed the door, and I put my ear up to it,

"If she is not in this room when I come back, consider yourselves dead." Sienna growled 

I heard her walk away before I looked around the room. I could take out the guards, but that would alert the whole base. I spotted a window on the opposite wall and walked towards it. I tried to open it, but it was locked. I mentally cursed and noticed that the drop had to be at least 15 ft. Although there was another roof not too far away. So the only option is to jump out the window. I got a nearby chair and put it against the doorknob, so the guards couldn't go after me immediately.

I took a deep breath, before running at the window. My body collided with the window, and the glass broke. I hissed in pain as some of the shards went into my arms. I landed on the rooftop, and I heard the door to my room bust open as I landed. I quickly got up as I saw the guards looking at me from the broken window. I ran to the roof's side and saw a ladder leading down. I painfully climbed down the steps, and took off hoping to run into a friendly face. 

After a few minutes of running I saw an ATLAS patrol walking around Vale. I scanned the group as I held my bleeding arm. I spotted a familiar white haired Schnee. Winter was scanning the crowd, and I ran to her. Her eyes widened when she saw me, and she started to walk towards me. She met me half way, and hugged me, not caring about the stares. 

"W-Winter..we need to get to Beacon." I looked up at her as she looked at me. Her eyes widened as she saw the glass stuck in my arms. 

"What happened?" She asked coldly

"I'll tell you when we're in a safer place." I muttered looking around

Winter nodded and turned back to her patrol,

"Target found. Return to Beacon."

The group nodded and we headed towards Beacon.

Timeskip to Beacon brought to you by chibi Winter holding chibi Y/N close 

I was in the infirmary, getting my arms stitched up. I had to get 48 stitches, which I was not happy about. Winter was sitting beside me, since she refused to leave my side. Her jacket had some of my blood on it, since she had to help me here.The doctor just finished my arms when the door busted open with team RWBY, Coco, Velvet, Pyrrha, Nora, and the orange haired girl from earlier walked in. Ruby jumped forward and tackled me in a hug,


I smiled, and carefully moved my arm to her head. I gave her a little head pat as she smiled up at me. The doctor left to go get something and the girls turned to me,

"What happened?" Nora asked

"Well to make a long story short I was kidnapped by White Fang, and the leaders may or may not have had a crush on me. Then I had to escape by jumping through a window..hehe.."

The girls all shared a look before they all hugged me. I was slowly suffocating, and Blake noticed,

"Guys give her room..we're going to suffocate."

The girls saw that I was becoming a light blue and quickly let go. I took deep breathes and I saw that the orange hair girl was sitting their a little awkward.

"Hey what's your name?"

"Oh salutations! I am Penny."

"Nice to meet you Penny, although what are you doing here?"

"Well Ms.Schnee and General Ironwood thought it would be a good idea if I became your bodyguard for a few days."

I gave Winter a questioning look, but before she could say anything the doctor walked in,

"Okay, Y/N if you feel any pain take one of these. If the pain doesn't succeeded in 30 minutes then contact me."

I nodded and he handed the pills to me before walking out.

"Well I guess I'm free to go." I jumped off my bed, only for my harem to cling to me. "Ow! Watch the arms!"

??? POV

I sat in my chair impatiently waiting for Cinder and her allies to arrived. I wanted answers from them, I wanted to know why they have been so distracted lately. I looked up as I heard the doors being opened. I slightly glared as Cinder and her allies walked into the room,

"Tell me child, what has you so distracted?"

"My queen, its more like who has a distracted." Emerald looked at me in fear

I leaned forward, putting my elbows on the table,

"And who is this person?"

Neo stepped forward and showed me a picture of a white tiger faunus. I had to admit, she did look pretty cute.

"What's her name?"

"Her name is Y/N L/N my queen." Sienna Khan replied

I nodded and looked over at Cinder,

"This is who you've been using your resources on?"

They all nodded, and I leaned back in my throne.

"Then how come you haven't caught her yet?"

"Well before her team or Beacon students would interfere. We did capture her but.."

"What do you mean but?! She's still in my room!" Sienna glared at Ilia

"On the way here I got a report that she had escaped."

I snapped my fingers, regaining their attention.

"I will help you..but as soon as you capture her, bring her to me." I looked at them with a stern glare.

The girls shared a look before nodding,

"I will send Tyrian to help you with her capture. Now go."

"As you wish my queen." Cinder bowed, along with the others before walking out of the room

A smile made its way on my face as the doors closed,

"You will be ours Y/N. Those Beacon students won't have a chance."

RWBY Harem x Fem! White tiger faunus! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now