Let's Begin

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I adjust the straps of my backpack as I walk down the halls of my new school. Everyone I pass gives me weird looks, guys and girls. I pull my hood farther over my head, feeling eyes burning holes in my back. Lunch break starts and I have no more classes for the rest of the day. This school is so strange. It's like they don't understand normal. I exit the building and lean against the outside walls, admiring the many beautiful flowers. "So pretty," I hum to myself. I pull up my jeans and sit next to a bush of flowers. Grabbing my small black book and pencil from my bag, I begin to illustrate a midnight blue rose.

 Grabbing my small black book and pencil from my bag, I begin to illustrate a midnight blue rose

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I nearly drop my pencil at the sound of a cry. Three male students are standing above a much shorter student further in the courtyard.

"You want your toy back?" one of the bullies taunts.

"Only babies play with stuffed animals," another bully adds. I grow irked at the scene and close my book. Walking over to the group, I take a closer look.

The short student seems familiar: blond hair, brown eyes, small stature, fair skin. He has tears in his eyes and hands in the air, trying to get his pink stuffed-bunny back. He cries, "Guys, this isn't funny! Give Usa-chan back!" The three morons laugh at him.

I narrow my eyes and shout, "Hey!" All four turn their attention to me. "You three, quit being jerks and give him back the bunny." The blond boy stares at me with teary eyes, while the other three laugh in my face.

"You're mad? Well, what are you gonna do about it?"

Another one holds the bunny right in front of me and babbles, "Go on, take it." I roll my eyes and reach for the toy, only for him to obviously pull it away. "Psyke!" The three of them start cracking up.

I am losing patience and tuck my book into my bag. "Look, just give him back the bunny and walk away." They stop, look at each other, and laugh even harder. I shrug, "This could have been so easy." I look at the guy holding the bunny and grab his arm.

He smirks, "Aw, wanna hold my hand, little-" I cut him off by flipping him over my shoulder, making him fall flat on his back. His friends gasp and gawk at us. I walk up to the guy I flipped and hold out my hand. "H-here you go." The bullies all run off after my final glare.

"That's what I thought," I mutter. I dust off the bunny and bend down to the blond's level. "Hey, I got your bunny back. Those jerks shouldn't have taken it in the first place."

His eyes glow with excitement as he takes the toy from me. "Usa-chan! Thank you so much!"

I giggle, then hear more footsteps. If it's those ass hats again, I swear... I stand up straight and it's another familiar student: Short black hair, olive skin, tall stature, a resting frown, serious dark eyes. Oh wait, now I know who these two are! I look back to the blond and say, "It was really no problem, Mitsukuni."

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