Ross watched the raindrops racing down his car's window, gaining speed and size as they moved. They shook with the music pumping through his space. He pressed his forehead to the cool glass and closed his eyes. His thoughts raged around his head like the inky grey of the storm clouds outside. The parking circle of St.Peters was peacefully empty and he allowed himself a moment of pretending that it had always been so. What was he missing? What could he possibly have forgotten? He switched the CD out for Jeremiah Hazed. The familiar funk of the guitar seemed to go right over his head. The inside of his car smelled like pizza and rain and the faint aftertaste of whatever perfume Elissandra Quin had been wearing. He pressed his index and middle finger to his lips and remembered her. Roscoe couldn't have a girlfriend. That would distract from his schooling, but if he could allow himself to wish for one. His heartbeat chanted.
Wish. Wish. Wish.
His brain said no. Girls were off limits. Especially girls like Elissandra. There was a reason they named hurricanes after girls. Girls like her. Ross what are you doing. He leaned back and stared at the ceiling. You of all people are not what that girl needs. Something tapped on his windshield. He looked up and sighed at the silhouette leaning over his hood. Rain rolled off the St. Peters jacket like it always did. Never sticking just hitting and falling off. The person probably wasn't even getting wet. Reluctantly, he pressed the unlock button and allowed them to climb into the passenger seat. They shook their damp hair all over his car.
"Edwards" the boy said it like a curse word. Johnathan said everything like a curse word. He pulled the door shut with the end of his name and Ross twisted down the radio. He raised his eyebrows as an invitation for Johnathan to speak. Johnathan Rogers was his cousin, though they shared no resemblance they had that invisible family pact that must be obeyed. For example, if they were standing out in the rain you let them into your car to interrupt your brooding even if they were extremely annoying and had a loose moral code. Johnathan frowned at his radio box and pushed the eject button. This was not allowed but there that family pact sat: sneering. Ross allowed this. "what is this?"
"music," The family pact said nothing about being a smartass.
" who?"
"Jeremiah Hazed...they're local" Ross politely took the CD from Johnathan and slipped it into his visor.
"ah I see, mayors sons gotta appeal to the locals" there was no helping Johnathan so Ross just raised his brows once more. "you hear about the race thing?" so that is what he was here for. Ross, in fact, had heard about the "race thing"
"no" he had gotten the note that Johnathan had no doubt also received but Johnathan didn't know that.
"competition thing to be the head boy next year" Johnathan looked like a weasel who had information you wanted and would pick your pockets and everything else before dispelling it.
"and?" Ross wasn't a fan of pickpockets.
" it sounds like fun I donno man, you should compete though," Ross thought about it. If he let himself think about it he probably should compete in it. That didn't mean he wanted to though. "plus you'll be good at it...the physical portion and the academic" Johnathan put little air quotes on academic. Ross nodded. He was on the verge of rudeness having not said anything yet. "and you'd be the best for head boy. Not that you heard that from me of course"
"of course not"
" because of course, I don't like you." Johnathan kicked open the door and stepped out. "I merely put up with stuff, but I'll tell you this Ross you had better win" yes that was a good ending to a conversation with your cousin Ross decided.
"thanks" Ross nodded to him. "for the info" Johnathan slammed the door and the car shook. Ross allowed himself to slump back into his seat and opened the glove box to pull out the sheet of paper that had screwed his whole day. It was official manilla colored parchment with the school seal and everything. He chuckled to himself which was sort of sad seeing how he was not amused. The funny thing about Johnathan trying to convince him to join the race was that Ross didn't have a choice. He couldn't join. He'd been chosen to compete. He had to.

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