[ Chapter 5: Choice ]

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When Zoe left the room, the silence slowly became deafening. Alpha Zachary sat on his chair while he stalked his mate as if she was his own prey.

No one dared to move nor even speak. For Alexia, everything that happened is still processing on her mind. Could she believe that her daughter loves her father the way she saw his love for her?

But the darker side of her knew something else. It must come with a price, she thought to herself. What scared her more is that it involves her precious little one.

The silent eternity came to an end when Alpha Zachary spoke. "She's intelligent, talented, and funny, she's so much like you."

Though his voice was laced with deep darkness, she didn't mind. She turned around to face him. "Strong, endearing, and passionate, like you."

They spoke like loving parents, praising their daughter. Alexia talked to him about the time she brought her to school, taught her to defend herself, and shift on her own. Alpha Zachary told her the bonding they had and how Zoe accepted him with open arms.

When everything almost sounded like normal, Alpha Zachary's eyes changed to red, anger. Then, he shook his face which turned his eyes back to its normal blue color.

"Even our daughter knows when you're lying." Alpha Zachary looked at her eyes, looking for answers. He knows that he'll never give up on finding her reasons.

Alexia asked why he said so then, he answered, "How could she believe that her father abandoned him if all your dreams spoke about our love for each other?"

Once again, silence fell. Alexia froze. Something changed in the way Alpha Zachary looked at her. The wave of emotions that her mate held slowly softened.

"Mate." Both of their wolves cried. Since the day they have seen each other again for the past month, none of their wolves recognized each other as mates. Even though they both wondered so many questions, they chose to cherish the moment they were having now.

The mate bond surged through both of their souls. Alexia never thought she could feel this way again. It's as if everything went back to the day she found out that the alpha was her mate.

Overwhelmed by the feeling, Alexia felt stronger. Finally, she spoke, "I'm sorry for keeping her away from you. I'm sorry for everything, Zach." Her eyes meant everything she said.

"It doesn't change the fact that you're hiding something from me, Alexia." He gave a small growl.

She tried to avoid his statement but she couldn't. Can she be able to tell him? If not now, when can she?

"I'll give you a choice, my love. Tell me now, and I will move on with my life with you, with Zoe. I will introduce you to the pack as Luna. It will be a happy life." His choice sounded like heaven and paradise.

The thought of having that was her dream but she knew it comes with a great bargain. "Or I will break you until you finally have no choice but to tell me. I know exactly how to do that, I'll start by breaking your little daughter's heart and show her who her daddy really is."

Pain. Anger. Rage. Everything that felt good suddenly turned to complete opposites. The words that Alpha Zachary said without hesitation brought her wolf side to the surface. Now, Alexia can keep a little control and anytime she might attack her mate.

How can he do this? All this time, he just wanted the trust of my daughter? She cried to herself.

Why would her daughter's first heartbreak come from her dad? She couldn't even bear the thought of it. She felt weak as a mother.

"Leave her out of this, Zach. She's just seven. Purely innocent. Don't bring her to the darkness with you!" Alexia screamed.

Alpha Zachary turned to her and scared her even more. "Your daughter hasn't even tried being a naturalist. I wonder how she'll feel if I introduce her to wolfsbane." Alpha let out an evil laugh.

Things were getting deeper than Alexia thought. She couldn't let Alpha Zachary touch her magic. Not now, not ever. It was too dangerous.

"Please, Zach. I know that there's still a soul within you. A heart beating. Don't do this, please." She begged. She tried to find the mate she saw minutes ago but she couldn't.

"A soul? A heart? Alexia, you took that all away from me the minute you left my side. I thought you were better than that!" Alpha Zachary snapped.

"No greater. No less. We're equal, side by side. Love shall always prevail." He said. The same exact promise that Alexia told him on their first night.

"You remembered," was all she could say. Tears started falling again.

"It's bullshit, Alexia." Even though he knew it wasn't. Alpha Zachary cherished that promise up to this day. He will keep it until he dies.

Loss for words, Alexia tried to walk out of the room. She knew she can't go anywhere but she still tried.

Three steps backward, she felt a tight grasp on her waist. Sparks. That's all she felt. Suddenly, Alpha Zachary let go of her because the feeling was too much.

"You're not going anywhere." Just like that, Alpha Zachary placed silver shackles on her wrists. That way, her wolf will weaken and so is the mate bond.

She dropped to her knees and felt the wave of unconsciousness starting to grab her mind. She fought harder to stay awake because she didn't want to look vulnerable in the eyes of her mate.

"I guess you want your little Zoe to regret having a father." His mate didn't take pity on her. Instead, he grabbed her and slammed her against the wall.

Alexia pleaded for his mate to not continue with his plan. This time, Alpha Zachary didn't see Alexia as his mate. He saw her as a mother. Everything suddenly got interrupted when Beta Luca barged into the door.

"Alpha, twenty rogues crossed the territory. We couldn't find your daughter."

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