[ Chapter 7: Beginning ]

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Alpha Zachary held her mate, mother of his child, in his hands. He shifted to his wolf form while Beta Luca placed their Luna on his back. He ran as fast as he could until he reached the pack house.

Alexia's revelation to Alpha Zachary and the rest of the warriors left them all speechless. No one dared to speak about it, not even the Alpha. How could she not tell me? Alpha Zachary asked himself. All these times, it was the answer he was looking for.

Her mate is a pure living elemental wolf. She hid that for years but she didn't think twice before saving her daughter. That's exactly the woman Alpha Zachary loves, her thoughtfulness and care for the people important to her.

Alpha Zachary reached the pack house where he met the pack doctor quickly. "Alpha, I need you to put Luna on the bed very gently," she kindly asked. Alexia stayed lifeless on the bed but she was still breathing, her mate could still feel a bit of their bond.

Three nurses appeared and Alpha paid no attention to them when they courteously asked him to leave the room. Instead, Alpha Zachary stayed there watching as they cut the clothes of Alexia, revealing bruises and wounds.

Alexia had claw marks all over the sides of her body from fighting the worthless rogues. What scared them the most is when she wasn't healing. "What's happening to my mate?" Alpha Zachary growled.

"Alpha, Luna kept her magic for years, she overused it once and now the power is consuming her. I can heal a wolf but not an elemental wolf, Alpha." The pack doctor worriedly said. Even though as they patched her up, there was no movement from her at all.

"Alpha Zachary, may I suggest trying to communicate with her wolf and strengthen your bond? It's the only thing that may help her heal."

Alpha took the doctor's advice and stayed by her mate's side the whole time. "Alexia, I'm sorry. The pain I've caused you, everything I've done to you, you did not deserve it. Please give me a chance to start again, this time I'll only do right by you."

Alphas do not beg nor do they say please and yet Alpha Zachary does it for her mate because he truly loves her so much. The day he met her again, anger consumed him and he lost control. Now, he regrets all of it.

For hours, he didn't sleep or rest. His Beta and Delta came from time to time to check him but he refused to leave until Beta Luca said, "Alpha, your daughter wants to see Luna."

Alpha Zachary hasn't visited Zoe since the encounter. Although he knew that she was safe because he instructed his Beta to take care of her. Alpha allowed Luca to bring Zoe in the room and when she came there, tears flowed from her eyes.

"Mommy! Wake up, mommy. I love you, mommy. I'm sorry I didn't save you! Wake up mommy, please," she cried. Seeing how heartbroken his daughter was, he carried her and placed her on his lap.

"Zoe, mommy will be fine, she's strong, just like you. You were brave out there, you made daddy proud," he said while he gently wiped the tears of her daughter with his thumbs.

He hugged her in his arms until Zoe fell asleep. He didn't want to take her back home and leave his mate so he carefully carried her and placed Zoe next to her mother.

As he saw them together, Alpha Zachary's heart melted. The two woman he loved the most were broken, just because he didn't save them. He felt guilty and blamed himself at that moment.

The machines that were monitoring her mate's life started increasing, the beeping sounds were getting louder. More life was coming to his mate. "I need the pack doctor, now!" He mind-linked the whole pack.

Minutes later, the pack doctor arrived and her eyes suddenly became filled with joy. It meant that her Luna was slowly healing.

"Alpha, I don't know what's happening but Luna is recovering. Her power is lessening and -" Before she could continue, vines filled up the room, different flowers started appearing. After that, a cool breeze of air blew upon them, followed by dancing fire.

The tiny flames of fire were then replaced with water droplets that fell onto the soil. All of it happening inside the hospital room. Alpha Zachary, the doctor, and all other wolves witnessed everything that's happening.

They all stood there in shock. Then, a man spoke, "My daughter, our Luna, she's a pure elemental wolf and her mate, Alpha, is a pure naturalist wolf. They mated and their powers combined which were then passed to their first born, Zoe, my grandchild."

It was Alexia's father who was speaking, the one who saved her from the dungeon as well. He knew everything about them, he knew why the scene unfolding in front of their eyes was happening.

When Alpha Zachary had placed her daughter beside her mother, Zoe placed the protection necklace on her mother's hands. She thought that this was to simply 'protect' her but she knew less. The necklace forbade her power from overcoming her which helped Alexia heal.

Zoe was never taught on how to use her power as an elemental or a naturalist that's why everything came out of her, she wasn't aware. She was confused yet mesmerized by what she had just done. It's like she brought nature onto them. Not nature but paradise.

"Zoe! You saved mommy," Alexia's father exclaimed while pulling his just awakened grandchild in his arms.

Other wolves were all happily cheering verbally and in the link. Who knew that their Luna and the Alpha's daughter were gifted with such power. With what Zoe had just done, they didn't fear an elemental anymore.

Before, they thought of them as an abomination. They blamed all elemental wolves as causes of calamities that destroyed their homes and they were all proven wrong by one simple pup, Zoe. Alpha Zachary was beyond proud and stunned by everything that happened.

While everyone spread the news, Alexia moved her fingers. "She's awake!" The pack doctor screamed. They all waited for their Luna to open her eyes while Alpha held her hands close to his heart.

Moments later, they were all able to hear what they waited for. The voice of their Luna.

"I love you, Alpha Zachary."

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