What is it necessity or love?

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Can you love someone and at the same time hate them?

Can you kill in name of love?

Can you discourage a person when you love them?

Can you cut the illusions of the person you love?

If you could do all this thing is it really love?

I always thought that real love was something like does thing you see in fairy tales.

Wear you are willing to do anything that would make the person happy and would never harmed the person you claimed to love.

How far are we welling to go in the name of love?

What does the word even mean?

If you look it up. It will be use for some many things from loving your child, to God, to having sex, to a passion for music and so much more.

Then aging so many definitions and I can find the answer and I ask again: what does love really meaning?

I can find the meaning for it but I know that until I do my life is going to be a puzzle.

Why is it?

The finding love is link to happiness?

Why do we need to “love” in other to be happy?

Is happiness really and illusion of love?

What happens when you can love any more?

Does life become complicated or all of a sodden life as you know comes to and end?

What is it about the word love is so complicated and indeed so powerful when the word only has four letters.

What is it about love that we all looked for?

Maybe is the security of being love by someone even if is only your dog

And hear I get to my point is love dependency or necessity?  

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