Robin Break...

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The alarm going off should have told him someone came to get him, but instead Robin found himself squeezing his eyes shut due to the blaring noise piercing his skull painfully. The young vigilante swallowed, his mind unable to focus as he fought off falling unconscious. He thought the creepy lady left, making his eyes flutter open briefly. "I want Batman." His voice trembled. "I want anybody."


Robin's eyes snapped open, his mind recognizing the voice. "Oh no."

"Seriously?" Roy let out a sound of annoyance. "I came to rescue you, and that's the response I get?"


"Yeah, I know. I kind of set them off when I snuck in here."

"Snuck? That's not sneaking." Robin felt one of his wrists released. "Kind of. More of don't rescue him." Even in his head the thoughts weren't coming out correctly. He simply didn't want the idiot who set off the alarms rescuing him, for what kind of rescue would that be? "Nyah."

His other wrist came undone, making him fall forward. Roy hadn't gotten his legs undone, so the strain against his ankles hurt slightly. The older teen caught him. "Woah? You okay?"

"No." Robin felt his small body hang over Roy's shoulder as the older teen went to work on his ankles. He attempted to lift himself up, only to find his head spinning. The fact Roy simply let him fall forward quickly didn't help the dizziness or how much his head hurt. He felt the older boy tense up slightly.

"Wait? Are you actually admitting you're not okay?"

"Lucky not throw." Robin felt slightly nauseated and forced his eyes closed, swallowing as he did. He felt his feet come loose.

Roy stood, attempting to place Robin onto his feet. The boy felt his teeth chatter around in his head like the stuff in a baby's rattle, but he found himself unable to wrap his arms around his body to warm himself up. One of his hands fumbled for the sleeve of Red Arrow's uniform, which wasn't red as the young man was wearing his winter gear. Robin felt hands grip his shoulder. "Robin, what's wrong."

"Head." The alarms still went off.

"Look. If you hack the system, the alarms will stop."

Robin tried shaking his head no, that he couldn't at this point. His teeth continued to chatter, but speaking wasn't feasible. Nothing was, meaning something was seriously wrong.

"Hey. Look at..." Roy's calloused hand reached out for his chin in an attempt to get Robin to look him in the eye. Hearing the deep intake of breath made Robin's eyes snap open. "Dear God. You're freezing. How's that possible when you're wearing your cold weather gear."

"I don't..."

"Don't talk. Conserve your energy. I'm going to get you out of here." Roy carefully turned, letting Robin drape slightly over his shoulders before lifting up. "I need you to hold on tight though, in case I need to use my arrow."


"Robin. If I don't get you out of here..."

"Idiot, idiot, idiot." There was after all no way that the older boy could fight with Robin on his back, but Roy had indeed forgotten completely about the communication device. Something Robin found himself cursing the fact he'd tossed his, yet also swallowing knowing Batman would be seriously pissed off "Batman mad."

"Batman? You're concerned about him being mad at you? Kid, I think he'll just be glad you're out alive. If anybody needs to be concerned about the bat, it's the rest of us on the team."

Robin tried shaking his head. There were things Robin did wrong, which meant he would be indeed facing the side of Batman he hated the most – parent Batman. Roy sped out into a hallway, looking around carefully for an escape route. The other teen moved to fast, making Robin clamp his eyes shut, yet he knew suddenly they were dodging with him stuck on the idiots back.

He could feel from his position just how hampered Roy's ability to shoot off his arrows were. He found himself sliding down, almost falling off the older teens shoulder, only for Red Arrow to jostle Robin slightly to keep him in the piggyback position. He seriously wasn't feeling the aster. "Just, hang in there. Okay?" For some reason Roy said, "No. No. I'm not in a position to talk now."

Robin's eyes opened, realizing Roy was talking to someone else on the team. "RA."

"Shush." Roy twisted around another corner, yet something told Robin they were heading in the wrong direction. Namely, he could read the signs the language the signs were written in as Roy pushed through the door. "Looks like an exit to the outside."

"No. Wait." Robin attempted shifting his weight to throw Roy back to prevent the other young man from heading out of the door clearly marked as being "enter with caution". Instead, as Roy came into a rather icy room his feet slipped on an icy patch, sending them over the railing into a pit from a part of the building which had collapsed.

The next thing he knew, they were both tumbling down the steep slope and hitting the bottom. As they tumbled, Robin felt Red Arrow's heavier, but also larger body crash into his own a few times. Worse, the young man landed on him forcing a squeak out of Robin's mouth. Red Arrow remained still for a few minutes, before lifting himself up.

Robin closed his eyes, feeling the ice below him. His wrist hurt slightly, yet he didn't think anything was broken. His body felt seriously bruised. Red Arrow started to stand. "Come on. I'll help..."

"Stop." Robin could see how serious their position was.

"Look. I get the fact I've been a little pushy..."

The younger vigilante shook his head, pointing at the layer forming over the river, but the cracks starting to form. He continued to shiver. He held out his hand, motioning for Red Arrow to give him something. "No."

"We've got to move."

Robin took a deep breath. The pain was starting to numb, but this wasn't necessarily a good thing. "The ice will crack." He sensed Roy stop moving. "Hand me your communication device."

"You're finally talking in full sentences." Roy pressed a finger against his own communication device. "No, Robin wasn't speaking in full sentences a few minutes ago. He said his head hurt."

Robin began to fidget, reaching for his utility belt. "Your communication device."

"Yes, but..."


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