Chapter 1- Yellow Bay Beach

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This is my story. The story of my love, unbequitted and misformed. This all began on 7th of April 2011 at YellowBayBeach. I was there for a friends party and let’s face it, I was socially retarded and a little over weight at the time and by a little I meant I was in my rash shirt and it was embarrassing... But I arrived at the party and my mate Keth said that he wanted to hook me up with a girl named Hailey. Being the social retard I was, I didn't feel comfortable with the matter but went along with it anyway.

My Dad was the one to drive me and he degradingly treated me as an eight year old walking slowly towards the party explaining what to do if they brought up the matter of drugs. I was 14 at the time you would think I know what to do but never the less he wanted to do it and I humoured him with answers. When he left I was on my own and walked sheepishly up to Keth. 

"Hey Keth" I said, hoping not to seem odd.

"Sup brah" he replied "I've been waiting for you, man, the girl I've been trying to hook you is over there by that tree! The one in the red bikini, isn't she just smoking!?"

Keth’s sense of "smoking" wasn’t the same as mine…

First off, she was taller than me with hair that looked like it hadn’t been washed in years and she had a black mark on her teeth that I wasn’t quite sure whether it was permanent or not…

"Hi I'm Carl" I said trying not the let it show that her breath stank.

"So your the weed that Keth thinks is good enough for me whatever step off you couldn’t handle this ok walk away"  Hailey replied, and almost as if prompted, her cronies laughed at my feeble attempt "to get with her" as I walked away I felt bad that:

1. Keth set me up with someone like her.... 

2. That she turned me down so rudely. 

I walked around for awhile. I wanted to think, to form an idea of what I was and who I was as a person... and I didn’t like it. The way I saw it, nothing could snap me out of my low. I was so saddened by this misfortunate event that I was prepared to give up love forever. What is love, really? Just two people who live together and sleep together nothing different from a man and his canine friend, I thought. Maybe I should get a dog, I thought. Yeah maybe. I wasn’t sold on the whole ideal of love at that moment it seemed ridiculous and wrong and I didn’t want it to happen. It seemed like it would only end in pain for one end, and for some reason I thought that would always be me. But I decided to put on my happy face again and walk back towards the party thinking my life would never be any different.

I went back to the main field and right then my life changed forever.

Arriving out of her mum’s car was the most stunning girl I had ever seen. She looked the same age as me which was fortunate to say the least. Her hair flowed behind her and looked like a field of wheat blowing in a warm breeze. Her face looked as if they had taken the best parts of various models and put them together to create a perfect glimmering example that Venus herself would be jealous of and a body that any women on earth would have killed and devoured her mother in order to receive. 

Her name was Jane.

I don’t know how long I stood there, transfixed by this beautiful radiant girl, but it seemed longer than necessary because at least 3 people at that party already suspected I liked her, just from the past few moments. One was Keth.

"Hey brah her name is Jane go for it!" He exclaimed rather loudly, something I hated him for later and still today, but the advice made sense but once again my shyness took effect and I acted really stupid around her.

"Hi I'm Carl and you are?" is how I would have liked it to go, but it ended up as something like "Hi I'm Carl how you go to?", which I still curse myself for  today.

She smiled a gorgeous smile, her teeth pearls in her mouth. "Hi I'm Jane. Well I'm good I guess, how about you?". Her voice was like a chorus of angels. She had me from the minute she stepped out of her car. 

I was a sucker for her the minute I saw her.

Her name was JaneWhere stories live. Discover now