What if Hermione Granger wasnt so smart.

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Hermione Granger, the smartest child of her age, but what would happen if she only had the looks and not that much brains. It is hard to imagine, Hermione who doesnt raise her hand up in the air after there was a question. The moment Harry and Ron first saw Hermione was in the Hogwarts express. She joined the guys for a magic trick. But she wouldnt bet able to Repair Harry's glasses, because Hermione would not have spent al of her time in books. Second is more important. She would not have made Ron mad at Halloween, when she "helped" Ron with the spell "WINGARDIUM LEVIOSA", Ron would not be mad at her after class. The reasen she ran away. If Hermione didnt ran away, Harry and Ron would not have saved her from the troll in the toilets. After the troll they became friends. Then the iconic trio wouldnt have existed. Oke, maybe they would have become friends. But Hermione wont be able to help the boys study or  they wouldnt search as much in the library. Ofcourse Quirrel wouldnt be able to get the philosopher's stone, because he wont be able to beat the spell of Dumbledore (i mean its Dumbledore, no-one can create better spells then him). But after year 1 there is a year 2.
In year 2 Hermione found out that it was a bassilisk who terrorized the school, so Harry and Ron could go to the chamber of secrets and beat it with the sword of Gryffindor and totally crush Tom Riddles diary.
Then after the Holidays they got in Year 3 at Hogwarts. The year with a busy time table, and ofcourse Hermione had to chose every single class. Because there werent enough hours possible on the time table. So she got the time turner from Mcgonagall. But if she wasnt that smart she wont had the time turner, and then Serius and Buckbeak. Ofcourse Dumbledore could give it to her at the last moment, but she wouldnt know how to use it properly. So in a short story Sirieus would have gotten the worse, the dementor kiss. And the executioner would have killed the poor creature. It wouldnt be a happy end.
Year 4, the goblet of fire. Harry wasnt as much in class, because he had to ready himself for the next event. Hermione hadnt had to help him that much. But Hermione hadnt had to use her brains that much to help Harry. Harry already had alastor moody who helped him.
Year 5 is starting at Hogwarts. The years where Hermione knew everything already and the other kids could catch up with her. If she was less smart she only had a harder year but iam sure she would make her exams, as for year 6.
But in year seven she brewed a polyjuiced potion to infeltrate in the ministry of magic. And she cast defence spells to protect the sleeping area. But in the end, the worse thing that could happen was that Hermione, Ron and Harry never became friends.

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