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.. Oh my gosh dad why do I have to go to the homeless shelter anyways...They could jus like get some money and become us" Naomi said In a frustrated voice. She didn't see why her dad thought it was necessary to go, but whatever she had to do to keep her black card she would do it.

"Well princess " Papa Taylor said walking towards her " It's always good to go and help the help " her dad said walking off doing a great big hearty laugh that filled their entire mini mansion. "Nothing but probably crack heads there anyways" Naomi said to herself as she  walked  out the door and got in her Mercedes.

After a long hour and a half ride she had finally made it to her destination. Getting out the car she tightened her purse around her shoulder taking in her surroundings. She was a little taken back by the neighborhood she was in. On the corner of every street were  beer bottles and cigarette butts some were accompanied by old filthy men who looked like they wouldn't make it another day.

"Are you gonna sit here and day dream or come help us fix these folk some food" A dark skin woman said snapping Naomi out of her thoughts. "Of-of course" she said stumbling over her words, And even though she put a smile on her face truly she was disgusted that someone had the audacity to talk to her like that. She must not know who my father is Naomi thought.

"Gone down there and get yourself some gloves, then ya start fixing some plates" The woman said in a southern accent. Naomi sighed And went to where the woman said to go.

She had been working for bout a hour and honestly she just wanted to be away from these people. "You gone fix my plate or?" Said a light skin male with tattoos all over him, He had on no shirt which showed his sweaty chest due to the heat. He looked as if he was one of them cute crackheads.

"Yo why tf you hea if you just gone stare" he said in a harsh tones . "My bad" I said quietly fixing his plate, I put enough chicken and yams on his plate cause he look like he hadn't eaten in days.
I passed him his plate along with a iced tea "have a good day "  I said with a forced smile. I walked up to the woman who was running this whole thing  and asked her if I could leave, she nodded her head at me letting me know that I could go.

I let out a little sigh of hooray before sliding the disgusting cheap gloves off and grabbing my purse. As I made it to my car I saw several men leaning up against it inspecting it with nothing but admiration.

I don't condone violence but I'd pepper spray them if I had to. "Excuse me " I said trying to get in my car." Damn ma your car hot as hell but not as hot as you" one of the men spoke with a toothpick in his mouth looking me up and down.

He then decided to grab my bottom, A loud shriek escaped from my mouth filled with disgust and honestly a little fear. "Ay don't fucking touch ha fuck wrong with you mane" The light skinned man from earlier said.

The guy threw his hands up surrendering "y'all let's bounce " he said to the other men. When they were gone I turned to face the man who had practically saved me "Thank you...." I dragged being that I didn't know his name.

"August,My name August and next time you come out here put on some fucking clothes" he said looking me up and down.
"I'm Naomi and thank you" I said sheepishly.

"Yeah you heard what I said bout them clothes shorty" he replied before walking off.
I smirked to myself if he wasn't so poor looking i might would have been turned on.
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This is the end of the first chapter and I feel amazinggggg. I feel so good about this book and where it's going, I honestly hope y'all like it. Also I just want to clarify some things  the title of this book is called NAKED it's based off Ella Mai's song which is also titled naked. It's basically about someone loving you for you flaws and all. The main characters of this book are Ella Mai and August Alsina for various reasons and which y'all will see later on. Not to sound cocky but I know this book isn't trash or mediocre so please don't be a ghost reader and not vote!!

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