The Man Beneath the Hat

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After moving from Cambridge to London and moving to 223b Baker street about two days ago, I have finally settled in, and had gotten everything in my small flat where I need or want it. I decided to introduce myself to my new neighbors. Though I'm not sure if they're even home at this time, even though it is a little after one o'clock, they seem to come and go at all hours. But having made a small batch of Gingernut Biscuits, I decided to give it a try. Before I leave I make sure that I look somewhat decent. I'm not sure if I'm really dressed to impress, with my long sleeved grey top, powered pink, almost white jeans, and grey flats, with my long black hair falling over my right shoulder, but I am comfortable, and to me, that's what matters.

As I go to knock on the door I can hear the two young men arguing about something, maybe they're having a little domestic? Despite the noise, I knock anyway. When the door opens a short young man answers the door. Well, I shouldn't say short, he is a little taller then I am, at my small height of 1.67 meters or 5 foot 6 inches. His hair is a light brown and brushed to the side, his eyes are also brown and they are deep and warm. The man and I greet each other with smiles. "Hello, what can I do for you?"

"Hello, I am your new flat neighbor, Madison Love. I thought I'd stop by and introduce myself."

"Of course, I'm John Watson, come in."He chuckles and nods, looking down at the plate in my hands. "Uh... Are those Ginger nuts?"

"Yes, they are. Are you a fan?"

"Yes, but my flatmate is an even bigger one." The two of us walk inside and into the sitting area of the flat where a rather tall young man is pacing around the room, chewing on his thumbnails. He is much taller then I am, with black hair, and eyes as blue as the ocean and just as lovely. As we walk into the main room, I give the plate to John who takes a biscuit and calls to the young man as we enter the room. "Sherlock, this is our new neighbor Madison Love. She uh... she made ginger nuts."

The young man seems to stop in his tracks upon hearing 'ginger nuts,' and turns to face John and I. "Yes, hello. While I love ginger nuts, John and I have a case to solve. So I imagine we will be seeing you around?"

John scolds Sherlock as he turns back around, after grabbing a biscuit. "Sherlock, please show some form of manners."

I look between the two of them at little confused. "A case?"

John nods and shifts towards me. "Sherlock and I are detectives for hire."

"Oh like Jim Rockford or Sam Spade?"

John laughs, a rather heartwarming and kind laugh. "Yeah, something like that."

Sherlock turns to me and points. "Tell me, Ms. Love, if there is a string of robberies, with no signs of forced entry, with seeming no connections. How were they done?" I look between John and Sherlock, a little confused and thrown off for a moment. "Some time today, Ms. Love." Sherlock sighs, sounding rather annoyed.

"Ugh.... there has to be some connection. Possibly their security system? It may be a long shot, but given the number of installers in the area, it is very possible all of their systems to be installed by the same person, and with those systems, there is always one code that will over ride all of the company's systems."

Sherlock stands there for a moment, before clapping his hands, startling John and I. "I like her." He says with a smile on his face. John laughs Sherlock's comment, as Sherlock turns his attention to me again. "Tell me, what you deduce about John and myself?"

I look between the two of them, thinking for a moment. Taking a deep breath and turning toward John. "Served in her Majesty's army, either Afghanistan or Iraq. If I had to guess I'd say Afghanistan, better war. Returning after being injured, probably shot, my guess is the shoulder, while I'm not sure which one. You are also a writer of some sort, well not really a writer so much as a typist, judging for the state of your fingernails." Sherlock nods as I turn to him, putting his arms out, almost as if to say 'try me,' or 'come for me.' "You play the violin, from the calluses on your fingers. You've had a drug problem in your life, that you are still struggling with a rather low point in your life."

Sherlock nods again. "Very good, now allow me to deduce you. You recently moved to London, although that's rather obvious due to the fact you are meeting new neighbors. You were recently engaged, but that ended due to something along the lines of you being much smarter than him, judging from the ring impression on your left ring finger and the brilliance you have shown thus far. You prefer to look nice, although if given the choice between comfort and fashion, you'll choose comfort every time."

I smile softly and chuckle. "Very good, Mr. Holmes."

"Thank you, Ms. Love."

I chuckle softly as Sherlock and I take a small step toward each other. "Please, call me Madison."

"If you'll call me Sherlock."

I nod. "I think that would be acceptable."

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