Back on the Sauce

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It had been about a month since John and Mary's wedding, Sherlock and I haven't seen them since. I suppose they have been busy trying to get things around for the baby. Even though Mary is only a few months along, and probably still isn't showing. I imagine it is a madhouse over there for two first time parents. As I wake up, I roll onto my back and glance over to my right, to find that Sherlock is gone. I'm not even sure if he had come home for the night. I glance over at the clock and see that is it around six o'clock. Which is normal for me since I took a new job shortly after the wedding.

I don't know how or why but Sherlock told me that it was to help with a case. It was also the reason he gave to me for being out at all hours. If I was with a normal man I would suspect an affair. After a few minutes of laying in bed and thinking of the hundreds of places Sherlock could possibly be, I get up and ready for my day. Luckily, it is my day off and I don't have to rush around.

About an hour later, after making my breakfast and settling in with a book, while I wait for Sherlock to get home, my phone goes off. I glance over to my phone and see it is from John, I'm not sure why John would be calling me. Maybe he couldn't get a hold of Sherlock. "Hey, John. How are you and Mary?"

"We're good, thank you, Madison. Uh... listen, I found Sherlock in a drug den..."

I sit up, as an anger tone comes out in my voice. "You found him in a what?!"

"I called Mycroft and he is on his way over there with a few other people to help you look around the flat to make sure he doesn't have any drugs there. We are on our way to the flat now."

I sigh softly, trying to calm myself. "Sure that's a good idea? I'm likely to kill him."

"Molly almost beat you to it." I sigh softly as John and I hang up the phone.

I take a few deep breaths before Mycroft comes in with a man and a woman. The man appears to be Anderson, one of the police officers that convinced everyone Sherlock was lying before Jim forced him to jump off the roof. He had been trying to make it up to him and I ever since. "Madison."


Mycroft and I have never really spent a long period of time together. Only meeting a handful of time. While there is a level of mutual respect, we don't really know how to act about or talk to each other. "Do you have any idea if he has anything here or where it could be?"

I shake my head. "Not a one. But you may be short a sibling when he gets home."

"After this, I would applaud you." I shake my head as Mycroft turns and heads downstairs, to wait for Sherlock, as Anderson and the woman begin to look around.

"Anderson, if you two are going to find anything the kitchen is your best bet."

Anderson nods before he and the young woman begin to look around the kitchen. It doesn't take long for Sherlock and John to get to the flat. I can hear him fighting with Mycroft downstairs. While I can't clearly understand what they are saying, I can imagine that they are not praising each other. Anderson, who had seen or heard from Sherlock since he left the police force, looks to me. "Is that Mr. Holmes?"

Before I can answer I hear Sherlock shout as he hurries up the stairs. "For God's Sake!" Sherlock goes into the kitchen and glares at Anderson and the young woman. "Anderson."

Anderson puts his gloved hands up apologetically. "I'm sorry, Sherlock. It's for your own good."

He looks annoyed, as he drops his keys onto the kitchen table. The young woman stares at him. "Oh, that's him, isn't it. You said he'd be taller."

Mycroft comes into the kitchen and looking towards Sherlock. "Some members of your little fan-club. To be polite. They're entirely trustworthy and even willing to search through the toxic waste dump that you are pleased to call a flat. Why Madison stays here with you, I have no idea. I can only imagine how often she cleans this place for you to destroy it." Sherlock has curled up sideways in his chair and now lays his head on one of the arms, closing his eyes. "You're a celebrity these days, Sherlock. You can't afford a drug habit."

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