Find Him a Case

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It had been a few days since John and Sherlock had run out of the flat to stop a bombing, successfully of course. I don't know how but I had managed to talk Sherlock into having a wedding announcement party for John and Mary at the flat, to make up for him bargain in when John had planned on proposing. Of course, we only invited a handful of people to the party. Mary is on the couch, Mrs. Hudson is in the sitting chair next to the sofa, Greg is sitting in John's chair, and John is standing behind him, while Sherlock and I are standing beside the desk. Sherlock seems to be zoning out, but I am having a lovely conversation with Mary and Mrs. Hudson, while we are all enjoying some champagne.

"Do you have a date yet Mary?"

"Well, we thought May."

Mrs. Hudson smiles brightly. "Oh! A Spring wedding."

Mary nods. "Once we actually get engaged, we were interrupted last time."

She looks up to Sherlock as she, John, and I share a laugh. "He may not say it, but he is sorry about it. He had no idea John had moved on so quickly."

John sighs and gets flustered. "We were not... You two are together."

Mary and I laugh softly, as Greg raises his glass. "Well, I can't wait."

"You two will be there won't you?" Mary looks up to Sherlock and I.

Sherlock shakes his head as I shrug my shoulders. "Weddings... Not really my thing."

I chuckle. "If they were we'd be married by now."

"Don't count on that, Madison, marriage is the downfall of our society."

I sigh softly and look over to him. "Oh? But you will live with me for the rest of your life?"

Sherlock shrugs his shoulders. "As far as I can tell we will be together until I do something to upset you and cause you to no longer wish to see me, or one of us dies on a case. So, why would we need a document and some rings to show we are together?"

I step toward him and tease him. "What about just the rings?"


"Because while you may not realize it, you are a very attractive man."

"And woman don't know that I am with someone already."

At this point I am standing in front of him, looking up to him, the two of us smirking at each other. "Exactly."

Obviously, everyone else in the room is a little confused, to Sherlock and I this is saying we will be together for the foreseeable future. However, I can imagine this looks and sounds rather odd to someone who doesn't understand how our minds work. I can hear Greg make a quiet comment to John, as Sherlock and I gaze into the other's eyes. "What just happened?"

John sighs. "That's how they say I love you, I think."

Before I can turn and reply to John's comment, the door opens and Molly walks in and behind her a tall young man with curly brown hair. As the two enter the flat I notice the man is dressed a lot like Sherlock, right down to his pointed toe shoes. As I turn I look over to John, who has noticed the same thing, looking to me to confirm I am seeing what he is. "Hello everyone."

"Hey, Molly." I chuckle.

"This is Tom. Tom this is everyone."

John and I turn slightly to Sherlock who is looking out the window, not even looking at the couple. Tom waves to everyone looking around like he is trying to place names and stories to the different faces. "Hi."

Everyone else greets the two of them. Sherlock finally turns around and heads to the door, looking to the ground before stopping in front of the young man, looking up to him and stops, looking at him as if he is looking into a mirror. John and I glance at each other and chuckle softly before the two exit the flat to go work on their newest case. As the door closes I hear Molly make a comment that she's moved on from Sherlock, which given how Tom looks I find rather comical.

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