School & Work

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When I walked in the first person I seen was Lamar waiting for me . "Hey Sexy" he said walking up to me kissing my check. "Hey Love" I said , "How you been , I haven't heard from you in a while " I said lookin him up and down. " Well I been sick but I'm all straight now " Lamar said licking his lips . We walked to all our classes together and after school I caught back up with him. " Miracle lemme spend the night babe " Lamar said hugging my waist and kissing on my neck. " I gotta be at work by 4 and I get off and 10 " I said pushing his hands off me . I didn't want people to think we dated because I aint the only girl Lamar talk to . " Well lemme come when you get off , let me stay a couple of days " Lamar said looking innocent . I couldn't say no to his fine ass . Lamar had Brown eyes , A afro with a blonde patch , he wore and earring and always had on the newest Kd's. His regular outfit would be cargo shorts and a white top. Lamar only dresses up when we go out. "That's fine wit me babe but tell them other girls you be talking to , you wit me tonight " I  said while we were walking out to his car. Lamar had a 2012 red and black Malibu with shiny rims , he was pretty rich in my opinion.  " What other girls , Yoy know you my only girl " Lamar said lying to my face "Bye Lamar I gotta get home and change for work I'll call you when I get off " I said walking to my car . I got in and pulled off speeding because i could not be late another day. I work at Forever 21 at the local mall wit Mya we applied the same day and both got hired . We never have worked the same shift though. I pulled up at my house and checked my mail. When I got in I rushed to my room and put on some pink and black leggings with a black blouse . My phone started ringing and I already knew it was Lamar calling to ask what were gonna do tonight. "Hello" I said  "Miracle I wanna rub you down" Lamar said chuckling on the other end " Bye boy I said I'll see you tonight " I said hanging up the phone and blushing

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