Chapter 1 - More Work, No Laughter

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Welcome Back!. A while ago I wrote this Piccoloxreader and eventually archived it. I get self conscious about the writing. I've done a lot of editing after a few years. I am not a writer by all means: but hopefully this is better than before!


A golden haze of honey coated the walls of an otherwise damp and undesirable cave. The hard ground provided little comfort to your already sore muscles.

"Lets go!, out of bed!!" A snarl jolted you awake. Squinting in the morning light you are able to make out a blurry silhouette standing at the entrance to the cave. A tall figure with pointed ears tapped their foot impatiently.

"Sheeeesh, must you also be so grumpy first thing in the morning?". You let out a loud exaggerated yawn as you stretched your arms in the air. Smacking your lips you rose fluently and ready for todays training session.

Piccolo bare his teeth in annoyance, staring at you a moment before collecting himself.
"I'm only training you as a favor to Gohan. You should be a little more grateful." His voice was gruff with little emotion. He turned and walked away cave grumbling under his breath. 

You met Gohan during college through his girlfriend Videl. After graduation the three of you remained close friends, but there was always something that felt missing. Gohan and Videl possessed incredible strength, both were very skilled fighter's. You on the other hand, not so much. Bullies and threats existed in one way or another, and when it came to saving yourself, or the universe; you weren't very well equipped to do either.
Busy with their new lives as newly weds and a baby, the only training they were focused on currently were changing diapers and bedtime routines. Now they had a new life to take care of and protect. You decided the least you can do is learn to take care of yourself.
A few trainers crossed your mind. Goku being first, but he could be a bit aloof. Vegeta being another choice, but he could be a bit intense. Trunks or Goten could have taught you some skills, but they still had their own growing to do and you didn't want to bother them. Piccolo seemed like the best choice if you wanted to actually learn something. He trained Gohan after all, and working in the idea of it being a wedding present to the couple helped persuade the otherwise stubborn Namekian. You just wished he'd lighten up a bit.

"Grateful my ass" you rolled your eyes while buckling up your training weights.

"What was that!?" Piccolo called back out of site, his tone unamused.

"N...nothing!" You answer frantically as you shuffle your way out of the cave after him.

Taking a step out into the dawn light, you could hear the cicadas buzzing loudly like a symphony. A gust of warm air caressed your face. You took a moment to admire the mountain top that was over flowing with lush green grass, a variety of wildflowers and beautiful oaks that were much older than yourself. A breathtaking view.

It had been a week since you started training with Piccolo and despite the peaceful atmosphere, the training was anything but that.

"Please tell me again why I have to wear these unbearable weights, Pico. They do nothing but hold me back" You moan sourly as you hobbled your way up to him.

Again, no emotion. Without an answer he reaches for his turban, then gently removes it from his head. His eyes flash towards you, a small quiver of his lip almost reveals a smirk before quickly returning to normal.

"Piccolo.. smirking? This can't be good" You thought to yourself nervously.

"Hold this" He commanded dryly, offering you his turban.

"Um.. excuse me?" You looked at him confused. "Is this some sort of joke?"

"It's Part of your training" He replied calmly.

"Whatever you say" You shrugged and reached for it.

"I'd use both hands if I were you"

You scoffed, feeling annoyed but followed his advice grabbing the turban with both hands. They wrap around the soft coiled cloth and hoist it from his hands.


Immediately your entire body shifts from the turbans weight and you fall forward to the ground.

"WHAT THE HELL PICO!" You yell up at him trying to free your hands from the crushing weight. "ARE YA TRYING TO KILL ME!?"

He lets out a loud boisterous laugh before finally releasing you from the turbans hold. "Enough playing around, it's time to get some training done" He places the turban neatly back on his head and starts to walk away, but not before slightly glancing back at you "and stop calling me Pico" his nose twitches as he turns back away and continues further up the mountain.

Rubbing your wrists, you watch him walk away slowly. A sudden hot flush comes over your cheeks as the sound of Piccolos laughter echos through head. It was sweet sound. You couldn't remember a time before you ever really heard the Namekian laugh. It was oddly charming.
Huffing quickly you stand up and brush yourself off, suddenly becoming self conscious of the way you look. This was a strange new feeling.

— Alright Guys!, first chapter is re-written. Let me know your thoughts and suggestions.! The flirtiness picks up in the second chapter :D thanks for giving this a chance!

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