Chapter 7

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What was Ryan doing here this early in the morning?
"Um- hi did I wake you?" He asks
"No but what the heck are you doing here at this hour? And how do you know where I live?
"Um well I kinda asked around."
"So what are you doing here..."
"Oh right. Can I bring you out? I mean like friends." He asks
"Only if it's for coffee" I laugh.
Ryan gets back in his car as I get in to grab some of my school stuff and to leave Tessa a note telling her I went out.
Ryan brings me to a little caffe about 10 minutes away from my place. We grab a table and get coffees. At first I thought maybe he would start up a conversation or tell me why he came to my house early in the morning, but no. He's just sitting there drinking he's coffee

Ryan's POV

I can see discomfort in her face. Well no dah. I showed up at her house at who knows what time in the morning and now I'm bringing her for coffee.
"So you're probably wondering why I came to you're house." I start
She gives me a little nod
"I w-wanted to talk to you about um Jacob." I continue
She gives me a concerned look.
"I just wanted you to know a bit about his past."
"Go a head. I have time" she says with a smile
"Jacobs a good kid. He really is. But his past is a little ruff. When he was 5 his mother left him. And his dad is an alcoholic who comes home late and sober almost every night. I know this because me and Jac have been friends since we could walk. Jacob had to raise himself. He had to learn everything alone. He slept at my place as much as possible. As we got older, he would start acting out more. He would leave and come back really late. He would do some things he shouldn't do. I mean by 13 he would be drinking at bars. Don't get me wrong I did those things with him because I didn't want him to be alone but also because I liked having fun too. At 16 we were hooking with girls and blah blah blah. He was a real mess. Anyways the point is. He always turned down girls. He's a heart throb. Every one would hit on him but he would shut them down hard. But you, you're different. And ever since you have came to this school he has been different. He hasn't drink as much. He seems happier. You're different summer." I say

Summers POV

Wow. Knowing his past now made me realize how much a like we are. Both of are pasts are pretty messed up. I know what he's going thru.
"I feel him." I say
He looks at my strangely.
"W-what?" He asks
"I know what he's going thru, I have a pretty messed up past too. I live all by myself."
"Oh really?"
"Ya But that story will have to wait. I have school."
We finish are coffee quickly and we head to school
We arrive at school late. So I run to my locker and grab my shit and head to class. I'm about 20 minutes late. I open the class door and walk in.
"Thanks for joining us miss Knightly." My history teacher says.
I take a seat at the back of the class beside Tessa.
"Won't you tell the class what was so important you had to miss 20 minutes of class."
"Coffee." I say. With laughter in my voice.
"You think missing class is funny?" He asks
"No. It's just you're making this a big deal."
He looks at me for what feels like a century before he continues his lesson.
The day goes by pretty quickly before finally it's English. I'm getting my books from my locker when I can feel a set of eyes on me. I turn around and see Jacob.
"Hey trouble" he says
"Trouble?" I ask
"What I herd you got in shit this morning."
"Wow this school can't keep anything to them self's. And for you're information, i was only 20 minutes late."
"Well we are going to be late if you don't hurry" he adds. I finish grabbing my stuff, then me and Jacob walk to class together.

We get to class and we sit in Are usual spot in the back. Are teacher was going on and on about a project we were supposed to do.
"So to continue, you and You're desk partner will have to make a Romeo and Juliette remix. You will have 2 weeks to finish. Starting now." He says
I look over at Jacob who is already looking at me
"Hey Partener." He says "I'm excited to work with you."
"So am I." I say with a grin.
He's about to reply when he gets out his phone. I'm guessing he got a notification or something. He looks at his phone then his face goes cold. He doesn't say anything. All he does is stand up grabs his stuff and leaves.
I have been thinking about him all class. What happened? Why did he leave? The bells rings and I grab my stuff and walk out of class. I pull out my phone.

To Jacob: What happened. Why did you just storm out of class like that.

I get to my locker and throw all my stuff in it. I just want to get home. I just want to sit and wait till he reply's. Why would he leave without saying anything. I walk out of school and wave down a cab, remembering that Ryan gave me a ride to school.
I'm now sleeping because I gave up on Jacob. I sat by my phone all night and I didn't get anything from him.
2:00 am
I get startled awake by my phone ringing on and on. I sit up from my bed and grab my phone that's sitting on my night table.
"Hello?" I say
"Hey summer?" I hear a familiar voice say
"I need you to come down to the AlC bar down town. It's Jacob. He's drunk out of his mind and I can't get him to leave. He might be escorted out by security." At that moment I realize it's Ryan on the phone.

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