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Officer Holmes stared at the body in front of her. He'd buried her and they had to dig her up, yet in burying her, he'd made sure to preserve her body for them to find.

She was wrapped in a protective plastic, to ensure preservation. Her tongue had been cut out, just as all the others, her mouth slit from ear to ear. And just as the others, her eyes had been stitched shut.

But what stood out most as Officer Holmes examined the body, was the letters tagged across the woman's torso, etched into her fair chocolate complexion.

"The Leo." That was what it read. On her, and the thirteen before her.

Taped neatly to her stomach beneath the infamous signature was a folded sheet of crisp white paper.

Officer Holmes reached for a glove from the forensics kit and slipped it onto her hand as she kneeled down to take the note.

No one obliged because the previous notes had shown that these were intended to be removed and read to find the next victim.

Unfolding the slip of paper, Holmes allowed her eyes to scan the neat handwriting.

Angela, you've done great so far

This next clue is quiet bizarre

Because see number 15 is still alive

In order to find her you must strive

To search the notes for the key

And connect the dots between her and me.

Should you find her before I do...

Congratulations, you've solved the clues.

Angela's eyebrows furrowed in confusion and she stared down at the note reading it again and again.

What does it mean? What are the keys?

She tucked the note into her pocket and proceeded back to her car to head for her office.

Because like the note said...the answer is in the notes...

Through The Eyes Of The LionWhere stories live. Discover now