Chapter 3 - Hajimari Tournament Part 1

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Ryo Sentrale stood outside, the cloudless blue sky above him. The air smelled like autumn, warm, slightly stuffy, and dry. The smell of trees filled the air, the deciduous trees swaying in the gentle wind.

Around him, people were running around, setting up collapsible chairs in the soft green field while students were filing in and taking the chairs faster than the people could place them.

Today was the day of the tournament. In less than an hour, people would be fighting for the greasy, greasy money, their swords clashing, guns firing, and people cheering. Ryo was excited, his heart racing with anticipation to the battles that were about to happen. However, at the moment, most of the contestants were likely groggy with sleep, or the ones who had a particularly hard time adjusting to the new time, still asleep.

"Where's my desk, goddammit!" Ryo yelled, impatient as he had stood in the patch of grass, watching students filing in, talking amongst themselves. They thought the tournament would be casual and fun, but how boring would that be? No, they needed chaos. They needed bloodshed. And Ryo was going to give it to them! But not without his desk.

The crew could use a punishment for not having your desk, a voice in his head nagged, Wouldn't it be fun to throw a few punches

Shut up, Lucifer, Ryo said back to the demon occupying his mind. Ryo was stuck with an incarnation of Lucifer in his head, telling him to do things that he'd rather not do including purposely getting in trouble, having sex with people, blowing things up, and sex.

As students continued to pile in and three of the people setting up went and started dragging Ryo's desk towards the grassy space, the students had to stand and wait as they desk was dragged over to Ryo and he finally was able to take a seat.

A few weeks before, one of the teachers had reached out to Ryo and asked if he would look over the Hajimari Tournament, an annual tradition at Luxor Academy. Primarily, it was used in the past to gauge how powerful someone was before the year began, and then their power was gauged once more in the Heisa tournament.

But this year would be different. This year would be filled with violence, with bloodshed, and above all, fun and chaos.

As the students went to their seats, Ryo decided that it was ripe time to announce the beginning of the tournament. He looked around inside the desk, and fortunately, the setup crew was not as contemptible as they seemed. They managed to have a wireless microphone. The crew was setting up the perimeter of the arena, and the speakers were all set up.

"Ladies and gentlemen!" Ryo began, his voice deep and rich with confidence, "Welcome to the annual Hajimari Tournament! The sign-ups are open!"

In a small part of his mind, Ryo was amazed at how official and professional he sounded. Of course, his demon incarnation of Lucifer heard his thought, and Ryo felt a string tug in his mind.

"And everyone who's not participating or is simply waiting for things to start, go sit your ass the fuck down and drink a root beer," Ryo spontaneously added as he mentally facepalmed, "We still have half a god damn hour before people tear each other to shreds."

Fortunately, the general crowd simply laughed. Ryo smiled, sitting back in his chair, waiting for the chaos to happen.

While Ryo was excited about chaos, Blaise was not as eager.

For Blaise, the sky was not as bright of a blue as for Ryo as he trudged down the sidewalk towards the grass where the tournament was to take place. His nerves felt like they were buzzing on end, his mind was worrying about the tournament. Was he going to get beat up? How badly?

Unable to figure out what to wear to a fight, Blaise had donned jogging clothes: cobalt blue shorts, a loose-fitting tee, lightweight running shoes, and a windbreaker. It was comfortable, but Blaise kept asking himself what he was really supposed to wear

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