July 31, 2016
Out of the 3 official pairings for the HYYH Trilogy, Suga and JungKook have the most scenes and screen time, and where the others have pretty straight forward storylines, theirs is much more difficult to decipher.
Rapmon and V are especially close friends due to their respective roles in regard to Jin: rebellious V has made Jin enter adulthood by symbolically “killing the father” and Rapmon is, despite clinging on to youth, Jin’s mature side and so an obvious companion to V in the context of growing up.
INU, Prologue & Run (Rapmon & V pairing)
As for J-Hope and Jimin, they go through similar struggles throughout the HYYH Trilogy, one being depressive and the other one being suicidal. The link between the 2 is obvious but there is no added layer to their relationship, and as a pairing they do not have a proper sub-story.
INU, Prologue & Run (J-Hope & Jimin pairing)
In the case of Suga and JungKook, things are much more complex and symbolically dense. They do not have obvious matching roles like Rapmon and V and they do not go through similar struggles like J-Hope and Jimin though. We could actually say that they go through opposite struggles and have opposite states of mind.
INU, Prologue & Run (Suga & JungKook pairing)
JungKook is personifying youth at its most powerless and crippling state (he cannot do anything because of his young age), and he is somehow presented in I NEED U as devoid of passion (he doesn’t care about anything and lets himself getting beaten up without trying to defend himself). On the other hand, Suga is passion, filled with angst and going through what seems like a very painful identity crisis.
They have opposite natures and while Suga is fire, JungKook is the “soother” in the relationship (it is also fitting that JungKook is often associated with the water element throughout the Trilogy). These respective characteristics are illustrated especially in the Prologue (campfire scene) and Run (fight scene).
Prologue & Run (JungKook trying to appease Suga’s mind)
In Neverland, Suga and JungKook could be identified as the Twins amongst the Lost Boys. Not because they do look like each other but actually because they don’t: when facing each other, they see an invertedimage of themselves, like in a mirror. They are therefore polar opposite twins.
The mirror motif is indeed continuously associated with their pairing in both versions of Run, while the clothes they wear are also often similar (colors, patterns or visuals), a reference to the way twins often fashion themselves and to highlight what they are, here, to each other. In Run Japan especially, the opposite twins’ allusion is more explicit with the use of inverted colors for their respective shots, but with an identical background and similar clothing.
Run, Japanese ver. (same setting, similar clothes, reversed colors)
In the twin trope, there is usually one twin associated with passion, acting all melodramatically, who’s emotionally driven primarily and therefore prone to doing impulsive things (like getting into a fight with a loved one, setting themselves on fire…the usual). Conversely, the other twin will be depicted as calm and composed and will generally try to steer the other sibling to the right path. That is exactly how Suga and JungKook are portrayed in the HYYH Trilogy.
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