Paulo Dybala

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Leann's Pov

I was in a restaurant with two of my friends. We just got there and sat down on a free table with three seats.
"Ah! I smell bagel." I said aloud when we all settled.
"Fresh one!" Lynn stated. Ashley looked at us with a shut-up-you-too face and we chuckled.

Soon enough,a waitress came to our table to take our orders. This place is almost the best restaurant in Italy. It has mexican food and spanish food. I was extremely hungry though i couldn't decide on what to eat. My stomach was grumbling.

Ashley ordered first,"i'll have tapas,paella and the tinto de verano. Thank you." She smiled at the waitress.

"For me,pasta carbonara and spritz. Thanks." Lynn ordered.The waitress nodded as she scribbled down the orders.

"Your turn,kiwi head." Ashley said to me,smirking.

I laughed and shook my head. I looked down at the menu. I really just want to order every single thing on this menu,but this girls will murder me.

"Can i have pizza margherita,gelato in a cup,er Ravioli,oh yes,tapas of course,tortilla de patatas,some calamari." The girls were staring at me like i was a ghost with their eyes widening. The waitress looked up from her note sometimes and checked if i was joking. I ignored them.
"Gazpacho and oh some drinks," i flipped the menu. "Yeah,sangria,horchata de chufa and water. Thanks!" I was done ordering.

The waitress looked confused but went away.
"What the hell was that?!" Ashley yelled.
"Are you really gonna eat all those? Like for real?" Lynn asked looking at me.
"Yes,i'm terribly hungry and my stomach's bugging me. I've got the money so why should i starve myself huh?"

I brought my phone out and checked my messages. Paulo sent me a text. We've been engaged for 2 years now. He sent a selfie of sami sleeping with his mouth open and he doing the masked face beside him.

I laughed loudly at the picture on my phone and the girls were curious to see it. I showed them and they laughed saying it was cute. "Shut up you two." I sniggered.

Minutes later,the food arrived just in time. They had to add another table so they could put all the plates of food completely. Ash and lynn's jaw dropped at the amount of food i ordered.

I smiled at the food. I was damn starving and i rarely ate this much so i was and they were totally surprised.
I thanked the waitress and she left.

I began to dig in and so did they.
"Girl,you sure you're eating all these? Do you wanna visit the doctor after you're done?" Lynn joked. I laughed.
"You must be pregnant to be eating all of this food you know. Paulo will kill you for using his card for alot." She just muttered. She looked at me with squinted eyes. I choked on the food and started to cough.
"Here,have water." Lynn handed me a glass.

They laughed when i stopped coughing. They had already finished their food. Suddenly i felt the urge to throw up. I held my tummy in order to supress it but it didn't work. They were both staring at me.

I couldn't hold it anymore and i ran to the bathroom. The girls following me immediately.

The next day.

"When last did you see your period?" Ash asked.
"A few weeks i think."
"Oh my goodness.girl,you are pregnant."
"No,i'm not."
"We'll find out soon enough."
Lynn had gone to the store to buy a pregnancy test. Paulo wasn't back from venice. They were in my bedroom.
"I'm back!" Lynn yelled bursting into the room. "Take!" She said and pushed me into the bathroom.

Minutes later after all the yelling,i finally came out with the results.
"So?" They both asked eager to know.
"Two lines?" I said holding my tummy.
"Yayyyyyyyy!!" They both charged towards me and we all hugged.
"I'm happy for you!!" Lynn yelled.
"I'm going to be an aunt! Yesss!"

I can't wait to tell Paulo!

Days Later...

We were in the bedroom,Paulo and me. He was playing fifa and i was reading a magazine. This is the perfect time to tell him.
"Yeah?" He paused the game. I stood up from the bed and sat beside him on the floor.
"I have something to tell you."
"Sure." He pecked my lips and smiled.
"I'm pregnant." I said smiling and going straight to the point.
He glared at me and the room fell silent.
He stood up and i looked at him, raising my head.
"You are what?!" He said aloud. Too loud.
I stood up too. "I said,i am pregnant. How's that so hard?"
"You must be joking. How? When? Where?" He asked in one breath.
"What do you mean by that?" I questioned him.

He put his hand to his head and paced around. I was confused. What did he think of me? He was sighing and was uneasy. Suddenly he walked out of the room. I followed immediately.

"I asked you something paulo."
"I don't want it!" He yelled angrily.
"What the heck? We are having this baby paulo. There is no other way!" I whisper yelled.
"No,we're not!" He was now facing me. "What would happen to my career,my matches,my reputation? Out of wedlock, remember? The whole paper would talk about it!"

I scoffed and laughed hysterically.
"You have to be kidding me! You care about the papers? Your career? More than you baby? Unbelievable." I looked at him as he stared back at me. "I'm going out! So you can clear your head,Mr. Football." I said to him and began to walk furiously down the stairs.

"Where are you going?" He asked silently.
"None of your business!" I yelled back at him. As i was rushing,i tripped on the stairs and fell down,rolling. "Owwwwwww!" I yelped and screamed.

Paulo's POV

I sighed when i saw her going down the stairs. She was right. I turned my back and was about to go back to the bedroom when i heard her scream.

"Leann!" I ran down the stairs to the last one and helped her.
"I'm so sorry!" I was sober. "For a moment,i didn't think about football or matches or papers or money,i only thought about how the baby was doing." I said and touched her belly. "Let's get you to the hospital." I helped her up and she smiled faintly.

I sped off to the hospital. They said she was okay and the baby too. I felt so stupid!

"It's alright." She said to me.
"I'm going to be a Father!" I chuckled and kissed her.

For Leann_09. Xoxo

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