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"So how do you know my parents again?"

I ask still a little suspicious of Derek.

"Very old family friends" He says keeping his eyes on the dark road.

"Where are you taking me and why?" I ask looking out the window at the blackness.

"To Beacon Hills, where I live, and I'm going to protect you from people that want to use you, and I'm also going to train you." He says, his eyes still focused on the road ahead of him.

"Well I know I'm 'special' but wha-"

"You know for someone you just met, you sure do ask a lot of questions." Derek says cutting me off.

"Well I'm just trying to get to know the person that seems to know more about me than I do.." I said trailing off taken aback.

"Do you even know what you are, or what your parents are..." He says stealing a glance at me.

"No... they never told me, they just said 'Be careful because not everyone is as nice as us' which was there way of saying watch out for people who want to murder us."

"Your parents were both fallen angels, that makes you one of the most powerful angels that's been around in a while." Derek said, surprised I never knew this.

"Well I guess that explains a lot..." I said "But why is it such a big deal like what can an angel do?"

"You can teleport, heal, to an extent, time travel, you have telekinesis, photographic memory, a killing touch, superhuman strength, and a lot more, trust me iv been doing my research." He said.

"I can do...all of that.." I said a little dumbfounded.

"Yeah..." he said adding a chuckle. "And I'm going to train you, with a little help."


"Okay you will sleep on the couch, sorry I don't have an extra bed, I'll get one though." Derek said leading me through his loft.

"Oh and tomorro-"

"Derek?" I asked cutting him off but I didn't really care.

"What?" He asked.

"Do you think.. uhm I could go to highschool?" I asked a little skeptical of what his answer would be.

"Sure, you deserve at least a semi normal life." He smiled and walked away.

"You're lucky school hasn't started yet, I'll get you registered and all that."

I smiled to myself "Thank you" I whispered. Very excited to be staying in one place for a while.


I woke up in the morning before Derek. I showered and changed into a pair of leggings, my blue plaid shirt and my black pair of vans because it was cooler today. I rolled my shirt right below my elbows and underneath I wore my Bruce Springsteen shirt. I left my hair dry into natural loose curls which fell right above the small of my back. Because it was summer the sun made my brown hair have highlights, but it's usually a little darker. I put on my usual makeup, concealer on the spots that needed it, mascara and powder just to make sure my face didn't get oily.

I walked into the kitchen to see Derek making cereal. I made myself a bowl and sat next to him.

"Oh I registered you for school, you'll be a freshman and here's your supplies you need to get." he said handing a list of supplies. "And here's some money." He said handing over $80.

"Wait Derek are you sure I mean I have enough money, plenty an-"

"It's fine trust me, your parents left me enough money to take care of you." He said

I smiled at him. "Thank you, for all of this Derek."

"Just doing what I'm supposed to." He said. I walked out of loft and walked to the closest Target. I only needed a few

things, like a notebook, a few binders, paper, pencils, a backpack, just the usual stuff.

I walked into Target, and the cool blast of air cooling me off a little. I walked Into the school supplies section and started picking out what I wanted.

I picked out the prettiest color binders I could find, a baby blue, a light pink, a mint green, and a peach color. I walked over to where the paper is and the college one we needed was on the top shelf. And me only being 5'4 I couldn't reach it. I kept trying to stretch and get it when I felt someone press against my back and a hand reach up and grab the paper.

"Thank you, haha short people problems." I mentally face palmed that I said that. I looked up and saw a very attractive boy. He looked a little older than me. Probably 16 or 17. I was only 15 so he is out of my league.

"Uhh- uhm- yeah I mean you're welcome." He said a little nervous and smiling at the end.

I smiled back and for a second it was awkward because he was just staring at me.

He finally spoke up. "Are you new here.."

"Uhm yeah I just.. moved here. I'm going to be a freshman, but I'm a little older, I'm 15." I said sorta lying about moving here.

"Oh cool I'm 16, a junior. Well good luck maybe I'll see you around..." trailing off at the end waiting for me to fill in.

"Elsa." I said smiling.

"Stiles" he said smiling at me one more time before walking away.


here you go guys I'll try and update again!!

- jaime

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 01, 2014 ⏰

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