Chapter 1

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(A/N) Hey, so I am Brittany and I am apart of National Gamers. This book is going to be about us meeting the side of Youtube that we didn't think we would.

--NG house in LA--

--6:00 AM Wednesday June 7th--

~~Brittany's Pov~~

I woke up as I would usually would everyday. I got up out of bed and did my routine of Shower, dry, change, hair up, a touch of makeup, and then I would quitely leave the house to go for a 2 hour run.

While running I was listening to Aproaching Nirvana, 5 Seconds of Summer, and some fallout boy. The song 'Waiting for the sun' came on by Approaching Nirvana ft. Ashley Marie. I always wondered if me and the rest of NG were ever gonna get as big as her, or Mitch, or Lachlan, or Jerome.

After my run I come back in the NG house, go upstairs to my room, get changed into so nicer clothes, and go on my laptop. By 8, Jinny is usually already up and watching Youtube, and fantasizing over that Mitch boy she likes, or just laying down on her phone, as she always does.

I sit on my laptop for what seems like minutes but ended up being an hour, all the girls were up by now, and were probably going downstairs to the kitchen for breakfast. Laney is the one that makes us breakfast. Well, she actually cooks all our food whenever she can! She is an amazing cook! If I ever get married, I'm paying her to be my cook!

So, I walk down the stairs to see: Jinny sitting on the couch on her phone, Laney making eggs, bacon and pancakes, Alex(A) watching spongebob, and Alex(M) running around crazily outside. So, being the good person I try to be, I ask Laney if she needs any help cooking!

"Good morning Laney!" I say cheefully.

"Good Morning Beautiful!"

"Do you need any help with cooking?"

"Actually can you flip the pancakes while I go to the bathroom quickly!"

"Oh course!" I said, while washing my hands.

"Thanks! I'll be just a minute!" She said and ran to the bathroom.

I flippes the pancakes as she asked, and started to talk with the other girls.

"Hey girls! So, how was your sleep?"

"Good!" They all said,

"So, how about we film some more Modded survival today?" I suggest.

"Yeah, we probably should" Alex (A) said.

We have had our youtube account for about a year now and we have just under 50 thousand subscribers, and we hoped to be going to vidcon, but have currently not gotten an email that asks us if we want to go and have a booth there.

Laney got back, and finished making us breakfast. We ate the delecious food she made and then we went to go record.

"I'm gonna get the skype call up okay?" I yell, from across the house so all the girls can hear.

I called, Ethan and Noah first, then Laney, Alex(M), Jinny, and Alex(A).

We played for about an hour and a half, we all stopped recording and did what we all usually do when we finish recording for the day. We all upload our perspectives on the NG channel, then Laney sits around on her laptop or phone playing music, Both alex's went out shopping, and Jinny and I just hung out playing some Black Ops 2 in her room (cause her TV is bigger).

We all basicaly did our random things till it was time to go to sleep, we all fell peacefully asleep.

--Next morning--

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