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The annoying constant sound of beeping went off at exactly 8 am. I rolled out of bed and headed straight for the shower. I slid out of my bright pink night gown and left it on the floor while pulling my messy blonde hair into a loose bun. The steam of the shower filled the small bathroom, the mirror all foggy, and I let the hot water run down my body.

After almost 10 minuets I figured it was about time I got out and started to get ready for the day. Once I dried my self of with the soft towel, I threw on some dark denim jeans, a purple and black checkered button up top and my blue converse shoes. I put two slices of bread into the toaster and poured a mug of coffee. I feel sorry for anyone having to put up with me today. Rachael never lets me have coffee, she says it makes me too hyper or something, but she’s not here, is she? When my toast popped up I covered it in strawberry jam and started chewing on it while walking over to the table. After I placed my plate and mug down I picked up my phone and saw I had a missed call from Louis, so I called him back. It rang a few times before he finally picked up.

“Hey babe.”

“Hey Lou, sorry I missed your call. I was in the shower.”

“All good! Hey, what are you doing later? Are you on for lunch? Great! I’ll pick you up!” he said cheerfully. I giggled at how excited he got, it was adorable.

“Of course! I have class until 11 so I’ll just meet you there?”

“Don’t be silly! I’ll come get you! See you later.” He hung up before I could protest. I love this boy.

I put my empty mug and plate in the sink and walked into the bathroom to look at my hair in the reflection of the mirror. I decided to let it out so it would have a slight curl to it. I grabbed my books and bag and made my way towards the university, it was a 50 minuet walk. I hope Rachael remembered we had class today…


Class had finished and as promised, Louis waited for me out front in his dark Porsche. Surprisingly there was no one surrounding him. I jumped in the passenger seat and gave him a slight kiss as he started the engine and the car lurched forward.

We went to my all time favorite café for lunch. It’s a small building not too far from the university, with large glass walls framing the front and side of it. There were a couple of small tables with chairs out side the café with a sign at the door stating the specials for the day. I caught a quick glance at the specials as Louis drove the car around back to park. We walked around to the front and took our normal spot in a booth towards the back of the café next to the glass wall. Keely, our normal waitress, came over to serve us.

“Hey you two! Haven’t seen you in a while? How is everything? What can I get ya?” she said happily. Keely always spoke so fast and seemed to have a million things to say at once, but after a while you get use to it.

“We’ll just have the usual thanks.” Louis smiled at her.

“Alright guys, coming up!” she replied before walking off.

We talked about a bit of everything, from last night at the club to the boys going to do small gigs and signings. I had made plans earlier in class to go shopping with Rach after lunch so we didn’t stay at the café too long.

“Alright babe, well you and Rachael are coming to that dinner tonight right? Niall's got his new girlfriend here, she landed this morning, this is their ‘coming out’ dinner or something apparently.” he chuckled. We we’re out the front of the mall and I could see Rachael sitting by the water fountain.

“Yeah, I suppose we’ll be there… fancy dress?”

“Of course! We’re going to that fancy restaurant Zayn likes.” He smiled then kissed me on the cheek.

Rach and I were in this cute shop we loved. They had the nicest dresses there, and they weren’t too expensive either! We had a few dresses to try on each for tonight. As Rachael was in the changing room I heard her phone go off and she sighed.

“Who is it?” I asked while looking through a rack of dresses.

Rachael walked out in a dress that had an almost tutu that was a nice cream colour as the bottom, the top was covered in small silver diamantes and was strapless.

“just some guy who keeps texting me… we met at the club last night I think… he seems nice, I just don’t remember him too well.” She said looking down at her phone.

“Is it Kallan?” I asked in a teasing tone and she looked at me surprised.

“Um, yeah actually… how did you know him?”

“Are you serious?” I practically yelled. “You were all over each other last night! You even hooked up with him! Do you really not remember any of it at all?”

“Serious? Oh my god. I don’t remember any of that!” she sighed then started to laugh and I couldn’t help but laugh along with her.

“You know what you should do?” I asked. She just looked at me, so I kept speaking. “You should buy that dress, invite Kallan to dinner tonight and just have a good time!”

She seemed to think this over for a short time before picking up her blackberry and typing away with a smile on her face.

“You know what? I will.” She said walking back into the changing rooms to take the dress off.

I bought myself a floor length sparkling silver dress that has a spilt up the side of my leg right up to the top of my thigh. I also thought I’d buy a new pair of shoes to go with the dress; they were these gorgeous five inch white heels with small jewels encrusted down the heel and along the edge of the shoe. Kallan had agreed to come tonight and was going to meet us back at our apartment.

When we got home I went and had a quick shower, washing my hair and face. I did the basics with my make up, a bit of foundation, a light coloured eye shadow, eye liner and mascara. To top it all off I used a bright pink lipstick. I did a simple braid across my fringe and brushed the rest of my hair before putting a couple of curls in it. I slipped into my dress and put my heels on, grabbing my bag and making sure everything I needed was in it, before making my way out into the small lounge room. I walked out to see Kallan and Rachael had grown a bit closer in the last two hours they had been together. Once she had finished straightening her brown curls we were ready to go. Kallan had bought his car and offered to take us in his silver Mazda RX. I didn’t tell Rachael that Niall’s new girlfriend was going to be there tonight, figured it was for the best, so she didn’t have time to plan any schemes or something.

We arrived at the five star restaurant in London 30 minuets later and saw that everyone else was already here. I saw Louis waiting outside for us and gave him a small wave and smiled before looking over at Rachael and Kallan. I was starting to think suggesting to bring him along was a bad idea.

This was going to be an interesting night.

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