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Chapter 10

We went for pizza on our first night and did nothing but stay home and sleep the following day. It was about 1pm when I finally woke, harry still fast asleep next to me. I grabbed my laptop of the night stand and went on to twitter. I had a DM from Taitem.

Hey babe, hope you had a safe flight and have a good trip, Skype my sometime! X

I had a quick peek at my timeline to see what was happening, nothing too exciting from what I could see. Then I saw that one of the 1D update accounts posted a tweet about Harry and I being in Aus.

“Apparently two fans ran into harry and his cousin in Brisbane Aus yesterday.”

It read. I clicked on the photo attached and sure enough it was of harry and I with the two girls from the airport. Great. Any money we would be swarmed with fans as soon as we were in the public, luckily no one knew we were at my parents. The last thing I wanted was for fans to be lurking outside my house. I shut down my laptop and went out into the kitchen to grab something for breakfast, or well lunch. I started with a bowl of cornflakes and some orange juice then made myself a sandwich. I was listening to the radio when I heard mine and Harry’s name being thrown around. Not even a day and everyone’s talking about us. I didn’t really care, I was still going to go out this afternoon, and I’m sure harry would join me.

It was now 2:30pm and Harry still wasn’t awake and I was getting bored. So I decided to wake him up. Grabbing some ice out of the freezer I quickly walked into our room, he was still fast asleep, lying on his stomach. Perfect. I grabbed the top of his Calvin Klein’s, lifting them high enough to slip the ice underneath then ran to the door hiding behind the wall. It woke him up, that’s for sure! He jumped upright, eyes wide.

“RACHAEL! I WILL get you back!” he yelled. You know that term ‘ROFL’? Yeah I was actually rolling on the floor laughing. Well that is until harry snuck over and slips what was left of the ice down the back of my shirt making me squeal.

Half an hour later we we’re both dressed and ready to go out. I wanted to go for a walk, anywhere, just to get out of the house. So we decided to go to the local mall. It wasn’t an overly exciting shopping center, but it had a few nice stores I’d like to check out. It was a weekday and I was hoping all the girls were still in school or work or something so we don’t get harassed. I doubted it. Since it’s everywhere that ‘Harry Styles’ is here people will be skipping everything just to see him. We had two security guards with us since we were walking the entire way there and I heard them mention something about police being on standby in case we needed their assistance.

We walked for 10 minutes down the familiar roads, with Sam a meter or so in front of us and Jacob a meter or so behind us. We made it to the shopping center alright and we’re inside a small clothing store when one of the workers came up to us.

“Hey guys! How are you? Do you need any he-“ she cut off mid-sentence when her light brown eyes met with Harrys green ones. She seemed to have frozen on the spot and Harry flashed her that cheeky smile he does. She managed to regain her train of thought.

“I’m Rebecca, can I help you with anything?” she asked politely. She looked really familiar.

“Rebecca… as in Bekky Grey?” I asked curiously.

“Uh, yeah?”

“OH MY GOD! I haven’t seen you since high school! It’s me! Rachael?” I squealed probably a bit too loud.

“Rachael! Oh my gosh! What are you doing back here? We’ve missed you so much! Brooke and I, that is.”

“Uhm, am I missing something?” Harry joined in as Bekky and I broke apart from our hug.

“Sorry Haz, this is Bekky, we went to high school together. I was best friends with her cousin, Brooke.” I broke off, “how is she these days? Is she still with Alex? Does she live around here? I’ll have to give her a call…” I babbled on.

She let out a soft giggle, flipping her wavy blonde hair over her shoulder. “Yeah she’s still with Alex; here I’ll give you her number.” She walked behind the register and scribbled down some numbers on a scrap piece of paper then handing it over to me. Harry had gone over to talk to Jacob who was waiting on the inside of the store door for us.

“So who’s the hotty? A new boyfriend?” she winked at me. I made a disgusted noise and she looked disappointedly at me. Wait. Was she serious? She didn’t know who I was with?

“Serious? You need me to tell you who he is? What planet are you living on?!” I said jokingly gripping onto her shoulders.

“I don’t know, he looks familiar… should I know him? Did he go to school with us too? No I don’t think so… he has an English accent. I would have remembered him…” she trailed off.

“It’s Harry freaking Styles!” I yelled waving my arm over to him. Luckily it was only us in the store.

It took her a moment before she put it all together.

“Wait, oh, so he’s from that boy band? Oh what are they called? One Direction isn’t it?”

“Wow. Get with the times girl! Nah he’s my cousin, and yes he is 1/5 of One Direction.” I said in a matter of fact kind of way.

“Huh. Explains why there are two huge security guys standing outside the door.”

 She gave me her new number and told me to call her so we could all hang out sometime.

“Well, uhm, it was nice meeting you Rebecca.” He said in his flirty voice, flashing a gorgeous smile. “I hope we get the chance to hang out again before we leave.” He gave her a quick hug before leaving the store. I gave my number to Rebecca before giving her a quick hug and following Harry out the door.

We went to the food court which had a variety of places to eat from. I was starving and thought it would be quiet in the food court. I was wrong. We rounded the corner of the corridor and all of a sudden someone screamed.



Okies guys, thats it for tonight. I have half the next one done, so that should be up sometime tomorrow :) xo

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