The "i love you"

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There is always that _OnE_ person who says they love you. Well since when do you _NeVeR_ ask about that one person  who you _SuPpOsEdLy_ love... or let's just say _RaReLy_ ask about how they're doing. Since when do you hurt someone when you love them. Since _WhEn_ letting them cry was okay. Since when...?

Well _ThAt_ person you told you loved the other day? Is now wondering _WhAt_ has happened. _WhY_ did u randomly stop talking to them. Why did you leave? Was it their fault? _No_ honey. It was ur fault. You _JuSt_ disappeared. That person had been _SuFfErInG_ on the inside, _DrOwNiNg_ in tears, and you just came and made it better for a _SeCoNd_, but you _HaD_ to ruin it _AgAiN_.

That person has been trying to forget about you since the first day you left, and when that _PeRsOn_ started moving on? Well you _HaD_ to come back. _WhY_ can't you just go? Why can't you just leave _FoReVeR_?
You want to tell a person you love them? Well mean it. Don't just say it and go.

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