To kick this off me and phansexualAF played football with a pinecone.
"He's getting high off mint."
"There goes the ball, along with loads of girl's virginity." (If you don't like it will remove it)
"We're living out of an ice box."
"begone t h o t."
"Hi fam."
"Rawr XD."
"I used to work in a can crushing factory but I stopped because it was soda pressing."
"Skidaddle skidoodle your d*** is now a noodle!"
Ones that le squish phansexualAF was around for (and ones that belong to her (marked by KS or PF)
"Edjumucation." PF
"Plurple." KS
"Indecisive small munchkins."PF
"So you've stopped for almost a fortnite?" ;)))))))))) I'm so funny KS
"Are you getting lesbian fish fridge or a normal?" PF
"I want lesbian fish fridge." KS
"Undyne should be my spirit animal." PF
"Then mine will be Alphys." KS ^
"Would you like a squashed brownie?" PF
"Helloeth." KS and PF
Context: We were watching fish in the school pond at lunchtime and one of the fish was stuck harsh through the hole so you couldn't see its head. *
"Me when it comes to responsibilities." Imitates the fish PF ^
"Pigeons are secretly thots." KS
"*SCREAMING UNDYNES THEME*" KS and PF when we feel like it
Pun intended
*the pond is in such a bad state. the water is reaaaaallllly shallow and half the fish are just there and look like they're dead inside. :'(
maybe i'll get a picture of it for you guys one day