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Hatred is like a thunder of clouds

So dark and full of anger

Like lightning it flashes quick and bright

But retreats back like it was never in your favor

Hatred is as cruel as violence

Having a long-lasting effect

Like the cloud in the sky it's so dark

But once it's done, there's no way to get rid of the regret

Hatred is like a jail cell

Very cold and strange

Like the violence it creates, its color is red

And it can take you to any range

Hatred is like fired coal

So hot that it leaves burns

With the friendship, your soul crumples

Giving your soul a great windburn

Hatred is like a black hole

Devouring the good inside you

Turning your goodness inside out

It leaves you very dark as it continues to chew

Hatred is like a hurricane

Ruining everything in its way

Giving a way to more destruction

You will always have to pay

Hatred is like a rotten apple

Bruising you internally

There is only one way to fix this

To learn how to love 

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