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Tris Prior is not normal

She is Divergent

Nobody can know who she is, or it will not be good

As a life will be taken

She must choose on the choosing day

Which faction fits best

The knife red with blood and her palm a rose

Her palm with a red slice, blood leaking

She looks over the bowl, deciding which one

Bravery, Smart, Selfless, Kindness, or the Truth

Dauntless, Erudite, Abnegation, Amity, or Candor

Would she want to leave her parents or would she like to stay with them?

She had to choose one of the impossible

She runs her decisions through her mind, her brain like a sea of a million floating segments of memories

She recalls the time she sees the Dauntless jumping out the train, laughing

She recalled the time that she saw the Dauntless looking happy and free

She recalls the time she got the news that she was divergent, that she is a threat to society, that she is in danger

She recalls the time her brother tells her that she must choose what she wants, but also think about what will happen, and our loved ones

Thump, Thump, she hears her heartbeat

She hears one bowl calling out to her

Thinking, time ticking, her heartbeat thumping

Her ocean finally dying down, she chooses

The dark red color drops from her palm into the bowl with stones - Dauntless

She turns around, her palms shaking and body sweating, scanning the crowd to look for her parents

She hears the crowd cheer, while her dad looks at her with dismay, and her mother proud

Has she done the right thing, or has she done the wrong thing, to expose her life-threatening secret?

All credit goes to Veronica Roth. She created the scene and I have just taken a scene of her book and transformed it into a poem.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2018 ⏰

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