Mabel: The Run

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~AUTHOR'S NOTE: I love all of you! Feel free to follow me, vote, comment, like, message me with feedback, or do whatever! Thanks for reading! Not that you'd want to but don't copy this story! I wrote it from my own little twisted brain. So, basically all I'm trying to say is don't steal my shit XD!~

I packed my bags to leave this hell with only one feeling in my heart. Anger. I slammed clothes and other necessities in my bag and grabbed my cat and his leash. I left the note I had wrote to my parents and I left through the window with only Toast, my cat, by my side. I had been planning to run for years and now that I finally was... I felt this freedom that I've never felt before. I reached the bus station which smelt so terrible it made my nostrils burn. I took the bus until I got to New York.

I stepped off the bus in New York City. The only people that were out and around were the drunks, prostitutes, hobos, and me. I didn't really know where to go so I just kept walking. Toast kept whining so I started carried him.

"Cute cat." I heard a man's voice. I looked around just as the man emerged from the shadows. My heart was beating out of my chest and I felt like I was about to have a panic attack. "But..." He came behind me and put his hand on my waist. "I'd rather see the pussy hiding in those tight jeans of yours."

My whole body stiffened and every muscle I had tighten. My heart was beating out of control, I was getting dizzy, and my vision started to blur. I just kept walking hoping he would leave me alone. He grabbed my arm and yanked me back. I screamed out in pain and then out of fear hoping someone would hear me. I was in a full blown panic attack by now and I could feel I was losing consciousness.

"No, he started undressing her after she was unconscious." I heard a man say. It wasn't the same guy that I remember hearing before.

I opened my eyes and tried to sit up but I had such a terrible headache and my abdomen ached. The guy set something down on a table and walked over to me. "Are you okay?"

"Who are you? Where am I?" I mumbled slowly and groggily.

"I'm Mikel Allan. You're at my apartment. This guy tried to rape you. Luckily, I found you before he could get too far." The man introduced himself but I couldn't move my head to see what he looked like. "What's your name?"

"Mabel." I said weakly. I felt the end of my shirt. This isn't my shirt. I sat up quickly despite the pain to see what I was actually wearing.

"Oh. That's my shirt and boxers. I didn't want to dig through you bag." He explained.

"Thanks." I sat up completely. "Well, I should probably go."

"Do you have anywhere to stay?" He grabbed my hand.

I shook my head. I don't have any family, besides my immediate 'family', outside of Russia.

"Stay here for a while." He yawned. "We can talk about this in the morning."

Mikel lifted me up and carried to his bedroom. "I don't want you sleeping alone tonight."

"Okay." I mumbled as he laid me down on his bed and tucked me in.

I've only known him for like ten minutes but I actually feel like he cares and like he thinks I'm worth it. He is so nice to me when he doesn't have to be. He saved me when no one made him. He's letting me stay here. He doesn't want me sleeping alone. For once... I actually feel valued as a person. Mikel laid next to me and turned toward me. "Are you okay?" He turned off the lamp so it was completely dark.

When he asked that I physically felt pain in my chest. I felt my eyes get hot and wet and my throat tightened. I let out a whimper and tried to choke down the rest. I'm not okay. I'm dying inside. I have no family. Not that I did when I was living with my parents but now it's real. Everything is real. I'm all alone in this dangerous world. I'm like this little tiny bunny and everyone else is like a huge t-rex. I could feel the tears flowing out of my eyes and I tried desperately to stop it. Mikel turned on the lamp and looked at me. I could barely see him because I was sobbing so hard.

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