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Sonics pov
When I awoke, I saw (y) on the floor next to me. "(Y) what are you doing?" She groaned as if she just woke up. "I feel more safe by you, that's all..." she looked up at me with the most beautiful eyes I've seen. So sparkly..... "ok, you want breakfast then we can go." She nodded lightly and put her face back in her pillow.

When I was done, I saw (y) already dressed coming up to me. "What's cooking?" She asked sweetly. I shrugged, then she giggled. I smiled lightly.
We are then set off.

We went to the beach first so we could have fun and get to know eachother. She took off her clothes (ur bathing suit was on don't worry) and her bathing suit was so cute. I almost had a nosebleed. 😏. She came over to me and took my hand. She ran to the ocean and I was about to panick. Until she stopped. I heard air blowing. She turned and held a fiat floaty. It was like a chair or whatever for two. She smiled brightly and set it on the water. "Hop in!" She said excitedly. I nodded a little while sweating ALOT. "Are you ok?...sonic..." I nodded.

When we got out on the water, she said, "ok... so let's start with secrets!" She said once again excitedly. "IM AFRAID OF ANY FORM OF WATER!!" I yelled and held on for dear life. She looked surprised at first then said, "don't worry I'm here, just don't think of water, just think as if you were floating In the air." She said while smiling. I looked at her nicely and thought of what she said. It really helped to be honest. I thanked her and we headed back since we lost track of time.

Thx for reading! There will be more parts just hold on....

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My insta: anime_problems
Words counted:325

Vote(if you want)My insta: anime_problemsWords counted:325

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