Chapter 1

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Luna smiled as she walked to her class and sat in the front row seat, the people near her either smiled at her or continued chatting with their friends

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Luna smiled as she walked to her class and sat in the front row seat, the people near her either smiled at her or continued chatting with their friends

Luna grabbed her books from her bag just as people started taking their seats because class was about to begin

"Luna!" Avery whispered, Avery was Luna's best friend while Luna was kind and almost always happy Avery was rude and sarcastic which made people wonder how Avery even became Luna's friend but then again Luna was nice to everyone

"What?" Luna whispered back, not taking her eyes away from the board as the teacher began her lesson

"Did you hear about the new students" Avery asked, although Avery didn't really care about anyone or what's going on in their life's she did keep up with the gossip.

Luna turned her head towards her best friend, a smile forming on her face Luna was usually the person that showed new students around because she was literally nice to everyone and welcomed people with opened arms even if she didn't know them

"Really?! Do you know who they are, do you think they'll send me to show them around? How many new students is it " Luna whispered grinning happily, Luna loved showing new students around, meeting new people always made her curious and excited.

Avery chuckled at Luna's excitement "I heard there are six of them anyways, Luna they always send you, because it apparently makes them feel more relaxed and welcomed here" Avery states,  just as the door opened, two students walking in.

A girl and boy who Luna had never seen before walked towards miss Gonzales and gave her a pink sheet of paper. Luna assumed they were one of the  new students Avery was talking about

The girl was slightly tall with wavy blonde hair that reached her shoulders and strangely the girl had golden eyes which confused Luna but she quickly shrugged it off thinking they were just unique, she was very pale but it suits her.

Luna leaned forward in her seat, the pretty girl who's name she had yet to learn was still talking with the teacher along with the boy

Luna's eyes drifted towards the buff guy who stood tall with his arms crossed, he also had golden eyes, short dark brown hair, an almost playful smirk plastered on his pale face, he was cute.

Luna snapped out of her thoughts as the class had started to get loud, the students either whispering to their friends about the two new students, some students just got back to work not really caring about the new arrivals

"Quiet! Settle down class" miss Gonzales voice echoed in the now silent classroom, the boy and girl standing beside her the girl held a scowl on her face while the boy remained with a smirk

"This is Emmett and Rosalie Cullen, they are new here so please be nice" miss Gonzales said, grimacing at a few students who shot her amused smiles.

"oh! and before I forget Emmett, Rosalie this is Luna she will be showing you around the school today, Luna darling raise your hand please" she added while making a gesture to Luna who obeyed and rose her right arm.

Emmett and Rosalie looked to the brunette who raised her hand, taking a sharp intake of breath when their eyes found hers.


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