The 1-week plan and the start..

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3rd person's POV

After Ella and Infinite met, the staff accompanied Ella back to her condo to get her stuffs for her 1-week stay with Infinite. Lucky isn't she?

While Ella and the staff are away, Infinite's managers and the members gathered for a meeting.

"Like what Woohyun proposed, an Inspirit will spend 1 week with you all. And that Inspirit is Ella, the girl you just met earlier. She's back in her condo to get her stuffs. She is accompanied by some of our staffs to help her." Manager 1 said.

"We came up with an idea." Manager 2 said.

"What is it?" the Infinite members asked out in curiousity.

"Since you are 7, and there are 7 days in a week, each one of you will go out with Ella all alone." Manager 1 said.

"For one whole day." Manager 2 said.

"Woohooooo!/Yeeees!/That's nice!" Infinite's reactions.

"But Manager hyung, who will go first?" Sunggyu asked.

"I will!" Woohyun raised his hand. "I will go with Ella first!"

"No Manager hyung! I will be the first one! Ella and I are already close!" Sungyeol volunteered.

"Eeeeyyy! That's so biased Sungyeol!" Leader Gyu protested. "Let's do it in age order."

"Hyung that's unfair too!" Sungjong said.

"That's what you get when you're the maknae." Dongwoo told Sungjong in a laughing manner.

"It's alright with me." Hoya told them. "I'm always in the middle. Can't do anything about it."

"What if we'll tell Manager hyungs that you'll be the last one?" Sungyeol teased Hoya.

"Don't!" Hoya proclaimed that resulted to everyone's laughter.

"I should go first because during our intro, I impressed Ella the most." Dongwoo said with full confidence.

"I hugged Ella first!" Sungjong will never let his hyungs step on him.

"I talked to her first!" Sungyeol, again, protested. "And yaaah! I hugged Ella first!"

"That's unfair..." the repeating line of Sunggyu.

Dongwoo laughed out loud. "Sunggyu hyung! Hahahaha! You keep on saying 'unfair unfair' hahaha!"

"Because it is really unfair for me!" Sunggyu pouted. "Sungyeol and Myungsoo went to the mart and then they met Ella and Manager hyungs."

"I should have went with Sungyeol and Myungsoo..." Woohyun said in a low voice.

"Me too.." Sungjong added.

"Manager hyung!" Sunggyu called their manager. "Since it will be unfair *insert Dongwoo's laugh* if we will decide who will go first, then it will be better if you decide for Infinite."

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