Ch 1 - Your name is...

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Your name is JASON ROSS! At least right now it is. You enjoy botany, physics, painting, riddles, and remixing music. You also have Multiple Personality Disorder*, so you get to share your body and mind with what is essentially five other people. Isn't that fun! You hate it. Aside from this mental malady, however, you don't really hate anything. You're typically up for doing anything, though usually only if other people suggest it. You prefer leaving the ideas to other people, since yours tend to be rather bland and empty by comparison. Who wants to go watch paint dry when you can vandalize the school for the third time this week? No matter how much trouble these activities seem to get your buddies in, you never seem to get noticed or punished yourself. You're just lucky, you guess.

Speaking of lucky, today is the day you get a new game, the last one they had in stock when you ordered it! It's called Sburb, and while the name sounds like alien nonsense to you, it's gotten such high reviews, you couldn't help but order a copy! You have yet to find a complete walkthrough for it. They all seem to end pretty quick, and they're also all nearly unintelligible near the end. The only one you saw that seemed more complete was written with words too fancy for you to understand. Michael could probably read that one though. He's much smarter than you, though you're much better with people. Speaking of people, the mailman is one of those, and he should be arriving sometime soon with your copy of the game! At least, you think the mailman is a person. He's very pale, and one time, you chased his truck around a corner for reasons you can't remember, and even though you rounded it only a little bit after him, you couldn't see his mail truck! It was like he disappeared! Maybe he's a vampire. Either way, he gets the mail delivered, so you won't let yourself get bothered over it.

You walk over to the sole window in your room and look outside. Seems this is where your luck ends, the flaggy looking thing on the mailbox is down, so it's still empty from the last time you checked the mail. You don't know what the flaggy looking thing is really called. You don't care either. You turn away from the window and look around your room. It's divided into six sections, each one belonging to you. And by you, you mean you and your personalities. Your section is the least decorated, but you like to keep things simple. No need to fill space needlessly. Your section contains the window, and your bed, since you're the one your parents named.

Thats enough boggling around your room though. You know it well by this point, having lived here for seventeen years. Even the sections that aren't yours are familiar to you. You walk over to the door, on the opposite side of the room from the window (and therefore not in your section) and exit into the hallway. You know the hallway just as well as you know your room. In fact, the same could be said for your entire house! You would be very surprised if you didn't know your way around your own home, after all. You know it almost as well as you know that weird purple room you always seem to appear in whenever you go to sleep or one of your other personalities is in charge. You don't mind the purple room all that much, you can do whatever you want an not have to worry one of your other personalities will mess with it, unlike here in the real world. Though you aren't exactly sure that the purple room isn't part of the real world. You always feel real enough when you're there. Of course, psychology isn't something you've spent a lot of time studying, so you wouldn't know what you're supposed to feel like when you aren't in control of your body.

Speaking of what you're feeling like, you can't remember why you ever felt like leaving your room now. You go back inside and look out the window again. Hey now, that's new! The flaggy thing on the mailbox is up! That's odd though, you didn't hear any vehicles. You wonder how the mailman could have delivered it so silently? Again, you suspect him of vampirism. No time to dwell on that though, you have a game to play, and a valid reason to leave your room this time! You swing open the door with great gusto and practically fly down the stairs, complete with a crash landing at the bottom because you skipped every step! After getting back on your feet and complaining about your newly bruised buttocks for a brief moment, you rush outside to the mailbox to claim your long awaited prize!

You dash on over to your mailbox, pausing when you get there to wave at the neighbors. What neighbors? You have no neighbors! You live in the middle of no where, the closest thing you have to neighbors are cows! You wave to the cows before opening the mailbox. Inside is a thin beige package. You never understood why people find beige to be an uninteresting color. It's one of your favorites. You pull the wonderfully colored package out of the mailbox, and on the other side you see the logo for the game in green, which looks like someone tried to draw all the possible paths of any given electron of an atom. That is to say, there's a whole lot of loopyish lines that make a circular pattern. In the middle of this loopy circle is a set of shapes organized to resemble a house. Below the symbol, the name of the game is written in the same bright green.

You head back inside and up to your room, being careful on your way up the stairs after they betrayed you on your way down. Once inside your room, you pull out your trusty laptop! And by your trusty laptop, you do mean YOUR trusty laptop. Each of your personalities has their own. You can use one of theirs in a pinch, but you much prefer your own. You open the thin package and slide the disc out. It's shiny and reflective, with the same bright green logo on it that appeared on its package. You slide the disc into the slot on your laptop and click on the corresponding icon that appears on your laptop.

*The official term for Multiple Personality Disorder is actually Disassociative Identity Disorder. Multiple Personality Disorder is in no way correct at all, but its the only thing most people know it as.

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