Something something

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Toni: I'm nervous

Zae: About What

Toni: Date with Tamera on one but that was two years ago

Zae: It's okay I had mines

Toni: That was with your Bestfriend

Zae: Okay She said she has a crush on me

Toni: Okayyyy


(At the park)

Mr.Landon: Come here my pookie here's some puppy food good pookie good pookie

Maurice: What are u doing

Mr.Landon: Feeding my pup isn't weird

Maurice: I know that

Mr.Landon: Whatever

Maurice: Hey uh I have a dog actually it's my friends

Mr.Landon: Oh well the two can have a playtime dog playtime

Maurice: Nice tomorrow

Mr.Landon: Tomorrow at noon

Maurice: Okay


Maddie: U ready

Toni: Yeah u think it's gonna go great

Maddie: Yes if I was on my date then it would go great u know what I'm sayeen

Toni: Yeah I know what you're sayeeen

Maddie: (laughs) okay there she is

Tamera: Hey Guys

Toni: Hey Toni I mean let me rephrase that hey Tamera

Tamera: Hi u ready

Toni: Sure if you're ready I mean I'm ready let's go

Maddie: Have fun

Toni and Tamera: Thanks


Maurice: Hey

Mr.Landon: Hey and welcome here is Pookie Pookie this is Maurice the neighbor from next door

Maurice: Hey This is Lacey Pookie meet Lacey

Pookie: (barks)

Maurice: They're friends

Mr.Landon: Agreed

(At Tameras house)

Toni: Damn your house it's nice

Tamera: I know right. Tristen u have 5 seconds to get out of my room

Tristen: Jeez I'm leaving gosh isn't that the boy u call your future husbanddddd(laughs)

Toni: Oh really

Tamera: Yeah

(At home)

Maddie: I wonder how all the kids are doing

Pat: As long as they're not doing anything bad

Manny: Skmething bad happened and it involves your cooking whatever it is the spoon

Pat: Yeah What noooooo

(Inside kitchen)

Pat: No it's ruined u have to get me another one

Manny: What it's just a spoon we have every other spoons

Pat: That's what you said Ugh

Maddie: Wow

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