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Maelle didn't want to have to believe one of her only true friends she'd made at school had been so selfish. It wasn't intentional– she had tried to reassure herself, but there was still a life taken at the hands of Kaydence, and had she been smarter, it could've been avoided.

When Kaydee's parents had arived down from their business trip, she decided it'd be best to leave her friend. She had done her best to console her the best she knew how, but Maelle sort of knew it was in vain. She, herself, had experienced loss, trauma, you name it; but knowing you killed someone was an entirely different ball park she didn't know how to handle.

It was just another thing in Maelle's life that she had to find a way to accept. Her mother committed suicide, her father is a drug-addict and the only best friend she's ever had is a murderer.


"I wouldn't of done it if I had known," Maelle commented slowly to Paul, not knowing really what to say. She didn't want to pretend like it didn't happen, and the silent twenty-minute car rides were getting tiring. "I know I apologized yesterday, but I just feel– I don't know. Guilty."

Paul sighed softly, waiting for a few moments before replying. "It was yesterday. The best thing we can try to do now is move on from it. Everything is forgiven, and anything your friend might have done is not on you. Alright?"

Maelle nodded, not in the mood to be defiant whatsoever. She nodded, compliant. "Alright."

"Max is coming over tonight for dinner, I believe," Paul said, trying to lighten the mood from its somber setting it always seemed to hold. "I think he's also bringing a guest."

Maelle smiled, feeling as if this was the first good thing to happen in twenty-four hours. It had been a bit since she'd seen Max, and to say the least, she missed him. He was the first person that brought Maelle any form of sanity, and she would always be grateful for that. "Okay, sounds good."

When she had gotten home, she didn't do much except patiently wait for Maxime to be over. When she finally heard the door opening and closing from nearby and the call of her name from Coralie, she stormed to the dining area and quickly hugged Max.

"Hey, kid," he said, laughing, "How are you?"

She squinted, ignoring the question directed at her. "I'm two years younger than you. Kid, my ass."

In the excitement of the moment, Maelle hadn't even realized the figure standing next to him. He was slightly taller than Max, but he was one of those people where you could tell they were kind just by looking at them. He smiled warmly over to Maelle and stuck his hand out to shake. "Hey, I'm Theo."

She accepted it immediately, grinning. "Maelle. Nice to meet you."

"I was supposed to be the one doing the introductions," Max sighed, faking mock-frustration. "But, yes. That's Theo, my boyfriend."

Maelle didn't know who she was expecting this man to be, but it was definitely not Max's boyfriend. She would've never imagined that Maxime was gay, but then again, she couldn't of imagined a lot of things that had happend in the past few days.

Eventually, they all sat down for dinner and Theo was introduced to Coralie and Paul; who were just as accepting as Maelle could've hoped they'd be. She knew they would be, of course, it was just reassuring.

Max had explained that they had met in their architectural engineering class, and they'd continued talking from there. It made Maelle pleased to know that at least one person close to her was having a good life– even if the majority wasn't.

"You still up for that visit to my dorm later?" Max had asked while Paul and Theo were talking about God knows what. "I heard things weren't going so well. Might be nice to get your mind off of everything, life is rough."

"Always," Maelle replied nonchalantly, not even thinking that Max would remember that she had blurted that out. "Yeah. Seems that God really has a vendetta against me because nothing seems to go right."

Max smiled sadly. "Well, how does tomorrow sound?"

"Sounds great."


a/n: sorry short chappy i apologize but i mean blame season 2 of the 100 it is the most binge worthy thing i've ever watched. wait no scratch that after the office but it's coming up to a close second,, anyways u guys will be seeing more of theo soon he's the best ever

anyways have a fantastic day i'm going to go sleep for another 12 hours, have fun

ur second favorite author after danz


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