Chapter 1

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Katniss POV

"That's it!" I scream, "I'm going to live with Clove in District 2!"

"Maybe that'll be a good thing!" My mother shouts back.

My mother hasn't paid any attention to me or Prim since my Dad died 5 years ago. I've been taking care of Prim as if she were my own daughter. I hear our garage door being opened and a car drive off, she always does that when I upset her. I storm off to my room and start packing and call Clove telling her I'm coming. As I'm jamming things into my bag, Prim walks into room.

"Katniss don't leave me." She sniffles and begins to cry slightly.

I really want to take Prim with me but she won't have any friends in District 2..

"Pack your bags." I say while lowering to her level. "I'm bringing you with me."

"Really?" She excitedly exclaims.

"Yup. Go pack little duck."

She runs out and I hear her dragging stuff out of her closet. I continue packing my clothes and other things I need. When I finish, I hurry into Prim's room to check her packing progress. I help her finish packing and we carry our bags to my car and put them in. She gets into the passenger seat of my car and I start the car and we head towards district 2.


I hear my phone buzz.

"Prim, can you tell me who it's from?"

"It's from Mother." She replies while unlocking my phone.

Once I'm at a read light I read the message.

MOM: Where is Prim?

KATNISS: She's with me. Funny that you paid enough attention to realize she's gone.

MOM: She is my daughter.

KATNISS: I am too, but you don't seem to have any problem with me leaving.

After that she doesn't reply. I feel a little bad for my mother. She's a widow and both her children just ran away. Although maybe this will give her time to think and she'll finally change. Prim and I drive through Sonic about an hour after texting my mother. It's about an 6 hour drive to district 2 from 12. We only have about an hour drive left. I can't wait to see my friends again. Clove's family is rich so her parents have a huge house. All of my friends live in District 2 even though most of them are from different districts, their families moved there because District 2 has the best schools, but because Prim and I left without our mother, Clove has offered to buy us a house. I haven't seen my friends in person since we were 13, but there's one person out of them all that I can't wait to see old best friend from 12..his name is Peeta Mellark.

Sooo wait did ya think? Sorry it's so short and boring, it's like 1am and I'm tired...:) Please leave a comment or a vote pls don't be a ghost reader because then I don't know if you're still readingXD Feel free to correct my spelling or grammar anytime bc I suck at that stuff. Anyway. Hope you liked!:)


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