Stay Strong

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Tears falls down your face every night
You feel broken to million of pieces
Mean words from those bullies again
Another night with your eyes red from crying

Everybody have those days where someone just breaks you by calling you those evil insults.

Those words like
Stupid, slut, Bi***, tramp, whore, ugly, fat and other words.

They just want to put us down. Make us fall to our knees and just give up. Every bully's goal is to take that smile of ours off. They feel better after they make a kid feel the pain they feel.

Those words they say just make us feel so hurt. Our self esteem starts decreasing. Then depression come. Then cutting.

Don't let some useless bully make you that way. That way where you are afraid of them. Afraid of your shadow.

Be smarter than them bullies. Make them know that their insults won't let you down. That their mean looks won't let you look down.

Be stronger than them. Stand up and just walk away. Ignore them. Know that those insults they say are not true.

Just stay freaking strong.

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