Chapter 2

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*Harry's Point of View*

The glass shattered all over the wall to lay on the floor. The sharp peices lied there dripping in a bronze liquid over the maroon carpet. I muttered under my breath and started untieing my tie while slipping off my black leather shoes. After tossing the items aside, I walked over to where I had threw the nearly empty bottle. I started picking up the larger pieces, careful to not hurt myself. Yet after many bottles and shots, the carefulness has seemed to fail. Red paint splattered on to the glass shards and onto my knees. Slightly cussing at myself, I lifted myself off the ground deciding that I would just call a maid tomorrow while i'm at work.

It had been one year since my fiancé left me. Two months before our wedding and she left. Of course I'm pissed now, but back then.. all that I could think of was heartbreak and my work. Tears were actually shed then. Yet to this day, alchohol has overcome of me. It's all I need honestly. Sex and alchohol. Hell, who needs love when you're New York's richest, Harry Styles?

My thin curtains began to lift lightly off the ground against the window. A cool breeze rolled in as I allowed my self to sit on my bed slowly closing my eyes. Once my eyes were halfways, I took a glance at my digital clock next to my bed.

3:24 A.M.

I lightly ruffled my hair and pushed it back. My greasy hair started bringing out heavy curls. My belt was unbuckled, and I carried the scent of coffee and ink with a mixture of smoke. I didn't mind it so much as I just told myself I could shower tomorrow morning. So with that, one more sip out of my silver flask and I was out like a light switch.

•~The Next Day-6:45 A.M~•

The annoying sound of my alarm clock went off. A jolt in my body opened my eyes and I was awake. I glanced around my room gently lifting myself from the bed. Standing up, I walked to the lightly tinted drapes across my windows. The view, the view not many get to see every morning. The view was always beautiful. The city of Albany covered in a layer of fog, cars beeping or honking at one another, the sun was not too bright, and café's filled with aromas of coffee as one orders. The nice cool mist rolls in, hitting my face making my head roll back along with it. For a moment, I understood what calm was to feel like.

Next thing you know, I imeditately shut the drapes.

She loved the view.

I slipped off my clothes and turned the shower handle right till it was set in the middle. I stepped in, the steamy water hitting my back. Closing my eyes, I stand there just allowing myself to take a few breaths.

By 8:47 I was ready, tying my tie and grabbing a small black leathered briefcase. I leaned down in to my low, black car. I twisted the keys and started speeding out of the street cause a work down in the city is quite a drive. Especially since every morning, I have to just get caught in traffic.

I gripped the wheel tightly of the Beamer, and dialed my assistant.

Within three rings, she picks up.

"N.Y Weekly Star company, this is the closest desk. Who is speaking?"

"Angela! I'm in my usual traffic, be a dear and get my coffee ready by the time I arrive. You know what I like,"

There was a moment of silence, then a deep breath following shortly after. "Alright Mr.Styles, I'll get your black coffee, half hot water, and a shot of espresso. Would you like me to add a few shots of vodka as well this time? Oh! How about I buy out an entire salon just for you!"

"Don't fuck with me Angela," I laugh in to the phone at her witty remark on me. To be quite honest, if anybody knew me, it would be Angela. "Wouldn't want to loose our five year streak of working together."

"You would not!" There's a laugh in to the phone followed by a quick "shush.." in the background. "Even if you did, you would end up coming back to me because your new assistant would annoy the hell out of you."

I thought for a second slowly pulling up the car as traffic moved along. "You're probably right, doesn't mean I won't hesitate to fire you a first time,"

Once again she laughs, then follows with, "I would not be surprised. Alright, see you soon Mr.Styles. I'll have your coffee ready for you." And with that, she hangs up. Angela, what a girl.

9:37 A.M.

I pulled in to the parking lot and parked in my usual parking infront of the office. I walked through the glass doors of the tall building and made my way to the elevators next to the reception counter. Replying a quick hello to the blonde lady behind the desk, who infact had bright red lipstick along with her tight black dress.. She quite knows how I like it. Once I entered the elevator, I clicked the button heading straight up to the 11th floor.

"Morning, Mr.Styles!"


"What a Friday, Mr.Styles."

"Great to see you today, Mr.Styles."

I was greeted as I made my way to the back of the floor to my windowed office. I stopped infront of my office's door, reaching in my pocket for my keys. Although, looking to my left, I saw a skinny lady, with straightened brunett hair sitting behind her desk with her legs crossed, facing me. In her right hand, she held a cup of coffee, tapping her red nails on the lid.

"Why Angela, you didn't have to." A smirk crept on my face as I pushed the keys in the door turning them.

"Oh, but I had to." She said getting up and following me in my office. "I had no choice,"

I chuckled at her response as she placed the cup of coffee on my desk along with a deep green folder filled of a few papers. "These are the articles of the "churches closing across Albany and the articles of the updated lives of those who just had a major event, I believe."

I nodded picking up the folder and sitting in my black leathered chair. I turned the chair slighty away from the desk, opening the folder up.

"What a shame about these churches. Many are going to have to drive far to go to a church now," I flicked through the pages. "It be an even bigger shame if I actually went to church."

"You used to, ya' know,"

"That was only when she was here."

"Didn't your mother take you when you were a child, as well?"

"That was also when she was here." I reached my arm across the desk and handed the folder back to my assistant. "Give these to get looked over by the scripters, then go ahead and place them on the papers for next week."

She gently took the folder and place it under her shoulder. She glanced at me, taking a few blinks.

"You're hurting.." She said looking at me, her brown eyes scanning me. "Have you ever thought of.. I don't know.. having a fun? Have you thought of actually dancing at a club instead of just drinking? Or going to a sports bar to watch a game? Maybe eve-"

I raised my hand to silence her. "Please, we both know I don't dance nor have time to even enjoy sports. I'm a busy man. I'll just have to suffer through it."

"Bullshit, Styles. You can't go living like this."

I waved my hand at her while I glanced down as a sign to leave me be. I hear her take a deep breath and began to walk out.

Yet a few second after she leaves, I began to think and called her back in.

"Wait! Angela!" I called after her.

She popped her head in to the door as if expecting to be called back.

"What is the best corner in Albany? Best Partiton?" She fully let herself in my office, mouth open.

"Not that kind of fun Styles..Er.. Alright." She pulled her iphone out and started typing away. Then with a scroll, she glanced back up at me.

"Roadenlee Way."


Awesomesauce. Now this will probably be the only chapter ever In Harry's p.o.v. Buuttt it's really just an intro on how things layed out. Sorry it took forever to update! This chapter took a while.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 23, 2014 ⏰

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