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The stink of a wolf whooshed out at me as I opened the door. All I wanted was a fucking whiskey. Was it too much to ask!
Snarling, I step inside. Ready to rip its god damn head off. Oddly enough, the scent was sweet and kind of familiar.

Stepping into the dark trailer I see it. A black wolf laid on my sofa peering up at me as it lays with its head and tail down. Well...least it ain't going to rip my fucking leg off.

I frown, confused. Why would it be here? Then I remember a certain woman. "Star!?" I yell. Calling her. No answer. My eyes look around for any signs of life but there are none. Other than this wolf that is.

Towering over it I growl deeply in my throat. Letting my alpha scent wash over my trailer. MY trailer. MY territory!
"I don't know what ya'll are doing in here but believe me this isn't the place to rest little one."

The wolf blinks, looking up at me with its sad, green puppy dog eyes....wait, green? I take a second look. Then inhale deeply. Reaching out my hand to stroke its fur. It snaps its jaws at me! "Star!?"

It lifts its head and wiggles its tail a little. Sighing, I do what I've never done before. I kneel to meet her height and gently run my hand over her soft, dark fur. "It's okay princess. I'm here. I won't let anything happen to you. Fuckers will need burying if they even try."
I try to be as soothing as I could. Slowly her green eyes lit up and she closed them. Her breathing slowing as she relaxes. Falling to sleep.

"What's happened to you, girl?" I whisper. To myself more than her. Obviously, a lot had happened since I left her this morning. I told her to stay! Why does she never listen! Fucking woman's as stubborn as any alpha wolf I've seen. More maybe. Running my free hand over my face, I sigh. Frustrated. Women are going to be the death of me. If not her then Sissy and Vi.
Shaking my head, I wrap my arms around her and gently pick her up. Carrying her to the bed and laying her down. Covering her with a blanket before taking out my phone from the drawers next to me and calling Sissy.

"Hey! Everything okay?" Her voice squeaks panic at me. Cringing I rub my temple as a migraine begins to throb against my skull.
"Yeah, ya'll can come back now. I'll come get you."


The trip back with the girls had not helped my migraine any. Sissy lectured while Violet sang. I searched my pockets for a knife, anything to thrust into my head to stop the god awful sound.
Groaning as I find fuck all I carry on walking. We were nearing the camp now. Not long now. My bed was calling to me like a sweet sirens song....

"Are you listening to me Knoxville!?" She squawked. Waking me up from my day dream.
"Yes!" I narrow my eyes at her. "God damn it woman! I've had a fucking awful day. Will you stop ragging on me!"

Sissy huffed. Taking Violets hand and stayed silent the rest of the way. Thankfully!

As soon as my door was shut I locked it and leaned back against it. Closing my eyes to enjoy the fucking sweet silence of nothing.

"Bad day?" a sweet voice of a vixen makes my eyes fly open. Her sweet scent getting stronger as she walks into my living room in one of my shirts. Holy sweet fuck.

Nodding, I try to stop my gaze roaming her form. Curvy and petite. Just how daddy likes em'. Her pail skin turns pink as she blushes under my gaze. I can't help but give her a wicked smile. Watching as she turns her face away. Her face turning a shade I never knew was possible. As I see the gash on her jaw, as her wavy pink hair moves away from her face I growl.
Seconds later I was stood, towering over her. My hands gently on her hips. My lips brushing over the cut. I was surprised she hadn't kicked my sorry arse by now. Instead, she shivered at the contact and when I ran my hot tongue over the cut to heal it she moaned in my ear. Making my hands tighten on her body.

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