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Crouching behind an overgrown tree, Caleb and I watch as Star gains the trust of the other wolves. My insides churn at the sight of her alone and surrounded. But, she remains calm. Smiling even at those that approach, taking a little sniff before sitting, or laying, behind her. 

I grin. That's my girl. Turning the tables on the bastard had us at an advantage. Kerrigan now stood alone opposite the crowd. His crimson eyes blasting hate at her. 

I flinch as I see the scuffle. Caleb grabbing my arm to stop me. Knowing we were waiting for the opportune moment to attack and kill the fucker. But, I growled, my chest rumbling. Vibrating my whole body as I watch my mate being dragged off her feet by her throat. Struggling to breathe as she lashes out trying to escape. 

Shaking my head in anger, I get up and run fun belt towards them. Sliding onto my knees, through the mud, knocking the monster who held her off balance. Kerrigan stumbled, dropping her as he fell onto his back. Mud and dust covering his fucking suit and face. 

Star scrambled back into a crouch, by the others. She was safe. I relaxed a little, jumping to my feet and standing in front of her and the others. Facing the arsewipe who was now trying to get up from the muddy, slippery ground. 

"Keep your hands fucking off of her," I growl. 

Kerrigan grinned as he managed to climb to his feet, wiping mud from his chin. "How romantic." His gaze moved from me to Star behind me. "Finally gave yourself did you, whore?" He snapped. 

I heard Star growl, taking a step forward. I outstretched my arm to the side to stop her. Holding her back. Turning my face to look at her I shake my head. "Stay with Caleb. Go find the women and children and make sure they're alright. I'll howl when it's done." 

"But, but..." She started. Her eyes spitting fury at me. I knew what she wanted. She wanted to stay and kill the fucker at my side. Taking her chin in my hand I kiss her gently. Then whispering, "Go." She turned and left. Caleb and the others hot on her heels. 


Kerrigan was wiping away the mud from his suit as I turned back to him. His hair was pulled back into a ponytail. Or it had been until the fall. Now it was in long waves around his face. Thick with mud. 

"I hope she was worth dying for, Knox," he said, wiping some grit from his shoulder. Cocking my head I crack my neck, then my knuckles. Releasing the tension. Rolling my shoulders, I take a step forward. Bracing myself. "You'd be surprised what I'm willing to die for, you piece of dog shit." 

Kerrigan snorted, unbuttoning his suit jacket and throwing it aside. Then turns his attention to the buttons of his shirt. Undoing a couple then rolling up his sleeves. Ever the vain cock sucker. 

"Going to try to kill me or just prune yourself you fucking ponce." I bark. Losing patience. Smirking, he takes a step forward and throws a punch. Sidestepping it, I raise my fist, bringing it down hard into his solar plexus. Grunting, he falls back. Quickly regaining his balance, grabbing my arm and spinning, thrusting his fist back to hit me in the face. 

"Fuck!" I rub my jaw. Shaking the pain off. 

"So pitiful." Kerrigan spins around grabbing my hair to yank my head back. Digging his claws deep into my scalp. Blood trickling down the side of my face. Gritting my teeth I whimper. Shiver a little. Fuck, that fucking hurts! 

"Mother fucker!" I roar, pulling my arm back and thrusting it forward into his bollocks. Whining, he lets go. Falling to his knees, clutching his testicles. Giving me time to get to my feet and knee him in the face. Feeling victorious I watch as he falls face down in the mud. 

Panting, I rest my hands on my hips, trying to catch my breath. Spitting out blood at my feet. Groaning as my body throbbed. Sweet baby Jesus! Whiskey...I need whiskey. 

I begin to turn and head towards my trailer. Only to cry out in searing pain and fall to the ground. Looking down at my legs to find Kerrigan's claws dug deeply into my calf. His bloody form, smiling up at me evilly. My calf twitched, still in shock of having long, claws poking out of the other side of it as blood dribbles down onto the sand. 

"I never lose, lover boy. She will be mine." he coughs. Blood spitting onto my foot as he spoke. Grunting, I try to move, but the pain makes me dizzy. Causing me to tense and fall back down. Taking big deep breaths to try to steady the waves of nausea. Closing my eyes, I try to focus. Think! Damn you! Think! Fucking think! How the fuck am I going to get out of this? 


A scream made my eyes shoot open. Kerrigan's face was haunting as he wailed in pain. His wrist now not connected to his arm. But, dangling from my leg. Staring in disbelief, I flick my eyes up to the woman holding the machete. Covering in the spray of Kerrigan's blood. Panting heavily. 


Her eyes were crimson, her breathing ragged. Her hands shaking as she moves the blade to his throat. "Never touch what is mine, you fuck." 

Flabbergasted, I slide away from them a little. Trying to make a little distance from Kerrigan to nurse my injured leg. His claws still through it, painfully. Grasping hold of the wrist, I take a couple of breaths before yanking the bastard thing out of my leg. Screaming, I throw it aside. Praying my healing ability will kick in soon and won't let me bleed to death. That would really be the cherry on top of the fucking cake. 

Arms suddenly wrap around me to help me to my feet. Star smiles up at me, her green glowing eyes filled with concern and regret. She hadn't wanted to go. I knew that. But, it had been the safest option. Without her, I don't think I'd survive. 

Staring down at the mess at our feet, I growl deeply. He had to die. He had to. He would never give Star up. Regardless, whether she was mated or not. He would forever hound us like a fly swarming around a pile of horse shit. 

Hopping away from Star, I take the blade from her hand. Resting on my good leg, I swing the blade from side to side above his head. Tilting my head as I glare down at the bastard. 

"You came to the wrong camp, mother fucker." 

"I..." he gasped in pain. Holding his handless arm to his chest. Wiggling in pain. 

"You broke our treaty, attacked my family, threatened my mate and tried to burn my home to the ground..." I spat. "Not to mention sending fucking Lycan's to my door!" I thrust the blade down into the ground by his head. Only an inch away from his stupid, terrified face and he whimpers, closing his eyes. "You know the penalty for that, Kerrigan." 

Grabbing his hair, I pull him to his knees. Trying not to fall. Laying the blade at his throat. Star stands at my side, helping me stand by holding onto my back. "Any last words you dumb fuck?" 

Kerrigan closes his eyes and I slash the blade over his throat. Quickly pulling Star into my arms and holding her close as I hear the gurgling and choking of death behind me. Clinging to me, she buries her face in my chest and I kiss her hair. Simply holding each other until the noises ended. Without looking back, I take her hand in mine and walk away. Well, more like fucking hobble...

Wrapping her arm around me, I lean on Star as she helps me back to the trailer. At last, we were free. 

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