Now 2

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YES !!! And lucifer was ecstatic and his heart skipped a beat and he felt like he's as light as a feather and as merry as a school boy and now he has the girl of his dreams
the girl that he been dreaming of for months and months
Finely he was full again he for so long he felt like he was missing something missing someone
He loved this girl more then he had ever loved anything at all lucifer was in to many things bikes ,cars and games but all fell flat in competition toward the way he felt for this individual he loved her so much it would kill him to be apart from her for a while
Like today he was sleeping round sally's with a few others but Sharon wasn't there which made lucifer sad but he never stopped thinking of her the whole night
And by this poit they had been together almost a month and the day of staying at Sally's something lucifer did come back to bite him in the arse and hurt Sharon it hurt Sharon bad but she tryed staying strong thro it and she did Sharon is the most amazing beautiful strongest and caring lady lucifer has had the grace of her love she said she needs him but lucifer couldn't live life without her the moment he thought he was gonna lose her his first thought was to be alon and kill his self but lucifer and sharon made up and lucifer secretly feels like he's fuck up between the two of them...
(If your reading this honey I love you so fucking much)

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