Author's note!

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I know your probably like "Hey...where's Jacob's confession?" i know.. lol it's like 1:30 ish where i am right now so imma go to bed and finish writing the next part and hopefully get it out tomorrow . I cant post this weekend because i got my dad's At 5 PM Fridays and dont return untill 5 or 6ish Sunday afternoon so i might post more Sunday night  if not Monday good thing is it's summer so school wont be bothering me!

I'm going to go to bed now. Comment below what you might want to see later in the story

TBH..I dont know exactyly how i'm going to end this whole thing so may need a bit of ideas..LOL.. Thank you for reading it.. Please check out my other stories even though they are shit! (i cuss just a bit) Thank you for taking your time reading all of this and i hope you enjoy it!


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 27, 2014 ⏰

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