Becoming Friends

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Kat pulled my arm a bit and told me that the new kid was gonna talk

"Class. lets let Jacob introduce himself a bit..The floor is your sir" Mr.Hernandez said as he stepped back

"Oh..Um okay.. Hi. I'm Jacob Lee. I was born in Washington D.C and lived there until i was about 9 when my dad got stationed to Seoul South Korea.." 

I looked up as soon as he said Korea ..Big KPOP Fan and Kat and Chris saw me look up at him and knew i'd be friends with him. when i finally looked at him i noticed he was really attractive and i couldn't look away.  i listened to what he said now...

"My dad got a foot injury and could no longer participate in anymore military service so they gave him a operation and sent us all back to the U.S we got sent here that way my dad could have the therapy he needed for his foot. but he's fine now. almost better than before. um let's see..i know how to play Piano,Guitar and i like to dance , sing and act a bit ...i was once part of a small scene of a show in Korea but i had one line so nothing major..i have one older brother and a younger sibling . that's basically everything really and i hope i can be friends with alot of you.!" 

He was so adorable the way he smiled when he talked. He was tall maybe around 5'7 but anything was tall to me since i was only 5'0 maybe 5'1. He had Dark brown eyes and a cute little nose.  He inspected the room to see his new classmates as he searched the room he looked right at me and just stared he scanned my body first then our eyes met. he stared into them deep . he scanned me again and smiled before Moving on  to the next kid.

My heart was pounding so fast and loud I heard it in my head and was wondering if anyone could hear it as well. My palms got so sweaty that my pencil fell out of my hands. He walked over  to me  since my desk wasn't to far away from him and picked up my pencil and handed back to me "Here . " he said with a cute little smirk

"Thanks..." I replied trying not to choke on my words.

"No problem"  he said smiling at me I looked back down at my paper before he could see me blushing . when the Mr. Ramirez looked around the classroom I already knew I was in deep shit. there was no empty desk except the one on my on my right . it was empty from Leslie , one of my good friends who moved somewhere in Europe because he father got a new job there. ! "Ah! you can sit next to Sulli she's very nice and I'm sure you to will be great friends. Sulli raise your hand for Jacob please."Mr.Hernandez demanded calmly  I slowly lifted my hand as well as my head but stared at the wall to the left avoiding any eye contact.  "Okay " he said as he looked at Mr. Strong  and gave him the look of " I'll be fine thank you" Mr. Strong  smiled "Alright I'll let you get back to work! " he waved good bye and left. Jacob sat in his seat and listen to the teacher explain what to do and how to do our current assignment , A little after Mr. Ramirez left he sat at his desk trying to figure out his work before he turned to me and asked for help. I felt my cheeks get red

"Um yeah" I very awkwardly turned to his desk and explained to him Pythagorean Theorem. after explaining an showing him for 5 minutes he finally got the hang of it and turned facing forward to do his work as i turned to Kat and Chris to talk a bit (Fangirl) .  A few moments later he tapped me on the shoulder again "Do you think we can hangout at lunch and break since I don't really know anyone and you seem pretty cool? ' My heart dropped I looked at him with a blank expression. "Yeah, sure that's fine.."

"Really? Cool thanks!"

"No Problem"


I packed my stuff and waited fro Jacob but Kat was pulling on my arm telling me to go "Hold on Kat , I'm waiting for Jacob he's going to hangout with us for a while since he's new ..." "okay fine" we waited for him to grab his stuff and we left . after we ate we walked around as I showed him around . looked at his class schedule an seen we had the same schedule except for one class . so we walked to those classes together. it was cool having a guy friend who wasn't gay to talk to.

Jacob and I got real close we hung out all the time during school and after school and even went to the mall with the group on the weekends. when it was just me and Jacob alone together everything was so calm and steady and adorable. One time we went to the carnival together since Kat and Chris had auditions in L.A and our friend Madison was grounded. ANYWAYS we were eating and i guess i had some on my upper lip so Jacob went and wiped it off for me , than on the Ferris wheel i looked down and about slipped (Cruddy carnival rides...) Jacob grabbed me by the waist and pulled me close and told me not to let go of him. I didn't he leaned his head on mine and it was so adorable we hadn't done anything really..flirty since than


"okay so we should watch Frozen or that new scary movie but since you HATE scary movies I'm going to guess Frozen? "

"Ha ..yeah you know me so well !" I played with my stuffed animal that was sitting on my bed as we talked on the phone. "Okay so tonight I'll come over and  we'll watch Frozen alright?"


*Later that night at my house around 8:30 almost 9*

My parents were pretty cool with guys coming over late or even staying the night as long as we are in the living room or my bedroom door is Open all hours of the night ( for safety know why)

"your lucky I'm a good friend or else I wouldn't have came!"

"Oh shut up Jacob you would not , you want to see me just admit it!" i said with a flirty wink

"..Shut up and eat this!" He says as he shoves popcorn in my mouth . After eating it "YA! I COULD HAVE CHOCKED!!!"

"Hey shh we don't wanna wake your little sister now do we!" Jacob said with a smile

"She's on her laptop her room..with headphones on I'm fine! " I laugh.

"Sulli ! Kat his here and Chris and Madison " My mom told me from the front door

"Oh Hey guys ,come in ,movie hasn't started yet"

*After the movie*

Everyone left my house except for Jacob. i told mom that i was gonna walk Jacob half ways home just to make sure he gets there  since he lives a few blocks away. We were telling each other Jokes and everything before one of us had a Let it go moment , when we got half ways there we both stopped and just talked a bit right before i was gonna say goodbye Jacob looked me in the eyes and grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him I was getting a bit nervous  yet i couldn't help but smile as he leaned towards me and closed his eyes. I felt his lips on mine. His lips were soft, they tasted like the candy we just ate..skittles...i tasted that dang was amazing..He backed up a bit and saw me smiling and blushing and kissed me again. we were there for a good 10 minutes .

" much as i'm enjoying this which i am..i think i should go before my mom kills me!" i said as he pushed my hair outta my face.

"I agree..both our parents would kill us if we stay out any longer than we already are.. I'll call you tomorrow okay?" He said as he bit his lower lip and let go of me slowly

"Yeah , totally ! " he kissed me one more time before letting go of me i kissed his cheek as i slowly turned back around towards my house half way there i got a text from Jacob

"Sulli, your lips tasted so good, i  think it's time i told you how i felt about you with my words.." i closed the text and waited to get home to read the text.

*20 MINUTES LATER after doing chores*

I finally re-opened the text and started to read the text he sent me after i left.

"Sulli, your lips tasted so good, i  think it's time i told you how i felt about you with my words.. Since the day i met you i thought you were beautiful and couldn't find the right words to explain how i really felt..well im guessing i found the right words cause i'm going to confess to you now.....Sulli..

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