I - Tortuga

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James is unsure of how he ended up in the pirate port of Tortuga, but he finds himself glad that he's ended up here of all places. Though it's not the nicest of places to end up at, it sure beats where he was previously.

In truth, he has always wanted to come here one day. There's just something about pirates that fascinates him. If it weren't for the fact that he had followed his destiny and became a witch like he was always meant to for the past nine years since his mother's execution when he was 13 - despite not wanting to become one to begin with - he probably would've ended up a pirate.

Then again, he can still become a pirate. That's not out of the question yet. So maybe it's a good thing he's ended up in this place. Maybe it's time he ventures out on a new path. He's always wanted to be a pirate after all.

Holding his cloth bag closer to him, he makes his way into the tavern. Maybe if he's lucky, he can find some pirate crew to join. Though, he'll have to hide his spell book somewhere, as he's not so sure if it would be a good thing to have aboard a ship.

He still needs to find himself a sword though if he really wants to join a crew. He already has a pistol of his own that he managed to steal, but he needs a sword too. More like wants one than needs one though.

He's not sure what he was expecting as he walks inside the tavern. He certainly didn't expect any respectful people just sitting and having a drink for the night, especially not with the chaos already outside.

But he's never been inside a tavern on a pirate port, or around pirates in general. So it's a bit daunting for him to come face to face with the large crowd of pirates and whores laughing, yelling, and having an overall merry time. Well, a merry time for most as it would appear.

Carefully making his way through the crowd of drunk pirates and whores, he reaches the front of the room.

"What's your cheapest?" He asks, pulling out his small sack of coins from the pocket of his jacket.

He doesn't have an awful lot of money, but he should have enough for at least one drink.

The man behind the counter grabs a bottle of something, James thinks is rum - he doesn't drink often enough to know for sure. He tells James the price, and James pays before making his way through the crowd to find a free table to sit at.

Luckily he manages to find a free table, and sits down, taking a swig of the sweet tasting liquid as he looks around him.

There's pirates and whores everywhere. But he doesn't find much interest in finding a whore and taking her with him to one of the rooms and spending the night with her. If he wanted that, he would go out and find a brothel.

Keeping a look out on the off chance that there's a pirate captain looking to expand his crew, James sits back on his stool against the wall behind him and just drinks the alcohol in the bottle.

He's not quite sure what to look out for if there's a captain looking to expand his crew numbers, so he's just going to have to keep an eye out. Though he supposes that it wouldn't be too difficult to tell where crew sign ups are being held. All he needs to look for is where a large group of pirates are gathered.

Then again... as he looks around there's large groups of pirates everywhere....

Either way, he keeps a close eye out just in case.

James isn't sure how long he has been sitting at the small table by himself when he notices a group of about four or five pirates enter the tavern. He doesn't think much of it at first, but he grows curious as his gaze lingers on the pirate with the dark hair, faded red bandanna, and the captain's hat.

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