Chapter 2

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'Them locals are just crazy,' Shadow though yo himself as he walked on a small path in the woods.

He was just in a small village. They told him that there was a witch that lived out in the woods,an evil one who will kill anyone that goes there. But to shadow,it was just a myth,but his advantageous side got the best a of and,since he loved going to places that are told to have an evil sprint their,or a supernatural being.

As he walked,he notice it was getting more dark and creepy looking. After a bit,he started to feel the ground shake.

'Earthquake?!?! Out of all places and times for this to hap-' he started to think to himself,but was cut of when he got caught by what looked like a vine.

"WHAT THE HELL!" Shadow yells as the vine wrapped around him.

"Didn't the locales tell you the dangers of coming in here?" A voice said from a dark area. All shadow could see was the boots and button part of the outfit.

"Excuse me ma'ma,but didn't anyone tell you it's rude to use nature as a weapon!" Shadow yelled at then.

"And didn't anyone tell you it's rude to assume someone's gender and to go on their property without permission!" The person yelled back,walking out into the light.

Them two where looking right into each other's eyes,but not by choice.

"Mind letting me go?" Shadow asked after a few minutes of silence.

"No," reply the other.

"Can you tell me your name?"

"Why do you want to know?"

"Cause you look like like someone's know,who I've been looking for."

"Tell me your name and I'll say mine,and say your real name,not a nickname."



Shadow looked at him with surprise in his eyes,he recognized that name. To well,he knew him from somewhere. Shadow shock his head and tried to get free. Chaise got rid of the vine and shadow fell to the ground. Before shadow could get up,he felt something on his chest.

"What are you doing here!" Chaise yelled.

"Something important,Chair!" Shadow yelled back,chair pushed his foot harder down on his chest.

Shadow shoved chair's foot off of him,making chair fall back onto the ground. They both got up and stared right at each other. Shadow brought his arm back and went to punch chair,but missed. Chair at that moment,kicked shadow in the face and punch him. A moment after shadow got his balance again. Shadow brought his arm back again,and this time he hit chair.

Blood started to come from chair's nose,as his eyes started to glow green and red. He wrapped his nose and growled,clearly pissed off now.

"Oh shit..." Shadow said,before he could move,chair tackle him and punched shadow in the face. Shadow dodged it and held chairs arms back,growling a bit. Shadow brought his leg up and was able to kick chair off of him. He got up and looked right at chair. Chair eyes where now glowing a bright red and he had red glowing on his gem and in his hands.

Shadow at this point started running,He knew if he stayed it would mean death,and he already escaped it once and didn't want to die again. As he ran,the darkness started to get more light.

Once he got out of the woods,he started walking. It was a few minutes later when he realized he was forgetting something. He forgot when he was at their pyramid that he took his book bag off but never grabbed it again.

"Damnit!..." Shadow said,"looks like I have to go back to that hell..."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 01, 2018 ⏰

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