Chapter one

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'Bloody hell this is a big pyramid.' Shadow thought to himself as he stood at the entrance of the pyramid.

He let out a sigh as he walked into the pyramid. A few minutes later it became dark. Trying to find his matches and a stick,he lost his balance and fell backwards. In the mist of doing so,his elbow hit a secret brick and a door open.

He lit the stick and got up. Looking around he saw the door the opened and when to it.

'Why do I feel like I'm being watched..or followed.' He thought to himself as he counted to walk. He was in fact being followed.

"Damnit!" Shadow yelled. He was in a dead end now,he stood still for a moment. By now he knew that something was behind him,and that alone scared him.

Slowly,he turned around,moving the torch ahead of himself so he could see what was there ahead of time. The flame from the torch showed him that there was a something,or someone,standing there. Fear went though him and he kept moving the touch,nothing was there.

'Well then..' shadow muttered to himself as he walked out of that part.

After a while he start something glowing out of the counter of his eye. He turned his head to it and went over to it. It was a necklace with a red gem in it,which was glowing. Not think it all the way though,he picked it up to look at it better,then put it in his pocket.

No sooner did he do that,he heard footsteps from behind him. He became scared,but then got over it. Without thinking about it,he turned around and what he saw scared him badly. There was two mummies,a gold and stone one. Right away he remembered what people warned him about this pyramid. It was hunted by two mummies,twins. They where once rulers,but what scared him the most,was that they had power that could kill him.

"Um...can I help you?.." Shadow manage to say.

"I believe you have something that belongs to us,so if you want out of here alive,then hand it over." The golden one said.

Shadow didn't move,he tried to think of what to say,what people have told him about them two. Thinking hard,he remembered what their names where and who was who.

"Sorry Goldy locks,I don't know what your talking about...not excuse me,I'm leaving." Shadow Said as he started to walk out,only to get stoped by one of the grabbing his arm,and it casting him to let out a little yelp.

"What did you just call me," the golden one said though his teeth,"do you know who your messing with!"

"Yes I do!" Shadow Replied,looking him dead in the eyes,"Your Stephano,the oldest twin. The stone one is your twin brother,Gonzales."

"I'm surprised you know that." Stephano said,"now that that's over with.!"

"Over my dead body,bitch!" Shadow yelled as he was able to pull his arm out of his grab and ran.

That run didn't last long. Shadow tripped over something and faceplate into the ground. Before he could get himself up,he was pulled up and held by his arms.

"Let Me Go!" Yelled Shadow,as he tried to get out.

"Hand over the necklace." A voice from behind said.

"Let Me go,gray fuck!" Shadow said as he turned his head. He heard a growl,but it didn't bother him.

A few minutes later,shadow got an idea. He wanted to fight then,but with them being made out of stone and gold,the only person getting hurt would be him.

"So um...Gonzales is it?" Shadow started.

"That's correct," Gonzales replied.

"Mind getting that golden baster's attention for me? I have something to tell him," Shadow asked.

"I can hear you,you know!" Stephano yelled.

"Good,I'll give you the damn necklace,but you have to let me grab it,but I kinda can't with being held." Said shadow.

Stephano didn't even have to say anything before Gonzales dropped him. Shadow got up and started to go through his book bag. He pulled out a thing of water and dumped it on the fire,making the flame go out. Once the light when out,he saw two glowing eyes,he realized he didn't think about that. And what makes it worse,he forgot his eyes glow in the dark.

'Plan b!' Shadow shouted to himself,he ran out of the room,he knew damn well they where chasing him. It took a while but he was able to find the entrance and bolted to it. As he ran,the necklace fell out of his pocket and landed on the ground.

Once shadow got outside,he kept running. He knew they could still get him. But little does he know,they put a curse on him,so he's never free from them.

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