My descision

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Alyssia's P.O.V

Centuries have passed since my family and Kingdom's death .
you're probably wondering what exactly happened that day , I'll tell you.


I ran in the halls of the castle screaming and giggling runing away from my older brother Aiden.
I quickly went into the castle's kitchen and by the help of merry my favourite cook , I hid under a table hopefully my brother won't see me

Today was a normal day in the castle grounds , I could hear all the maids casting spells causing the dishes to wash themselves and our kingdom's birds singing in the early morning . but the only thing that bugs me is the bad feeling telling me something bad is about to happen.

The sound of my 14 year old brother's footstep were getting closer I hid more, into the shadows giggling lightly.

"hey merry,have you seen liz anywhere?" I heared my brother's voice from next to the door , I tried not to giggle as I imagined his confused face.

"no darling , but I think she went to the library" merry answered him as she tried to hold a giggle herself , but failing miserably.

I heared my brother's footsteps heading towards the door but suddenly he stops and turns around facing where I am hiding, I held my breath hopping he did not hear it.

"you know merry , I think I saw a rat under that table " he points to where I am "mind if I check it out ?"

My brother was supposed to be the next to the throne but beacause of the legend about me , he gave up his title to make me the next to the throne even through I kept trying to stop him he is so stupid , but I love him to death , he and my little 6 year old sister Sandy are my world.

Aiden came closer to me ever through merry tried to stop him , the key word is 'tried', he reached me but befor he could grab me , I quickly made a run for the door but I wasn't fast enough , he pinned me to the kitchen's ground and tickled me like there is no tommorow.

I laughed so hard , stupid Aiden he knew I was ticklish and all of that is because I went through his stuff . okay ... I know I shouldn't mess with his stuff expecially since he told me not to but he is a very good artist and I wanted to see what he had drawn ... on the bright side I learned that he has a crush on my best friend his sketch is full of drawings of her .

Sarah black is my best friend since diapers , her mom is a really good friend of mine and her father is a farmer but of course it is easier with magic nickolas black is a pure blood and like any other person in the kingdom he was welcomed to stay in the casle ( that's probably why there are no homeless people in the wizarding world ) but he decided to just be a humble farmer .

"A ple-e-a-se st-o-o-p" I stuttered while tears streamed down my face, I call him A and he calls me liz .

"only if you promise me not to say any thing about what you saw not to merry , not to your 'best friend' and not to mom and dad or Sandy ...Deal" my brother says in a threatening voice , but I knew better he was scared I'd tell sarah and she would hate him ,what he doesn't know is that sarah has a crush on my brother , this is soooooo cute.

"de-a-al" I stuttered again ..and finally he stops tickling me and gets of the ground with a wide grin

"you know since you mentioned my bestfriend she is coming todayto visit me" I wiggled my eye brow at him.he immediately blush and head out of the kitchen

2 hours later

I left to go for a walk it was already 9 o'clock and sarah came but I fooled them both and locked them in a room in the 7th floor because rarely any body went their .. I know I am evil but hey they need to know each others feelings

I loved to walk in the woods beacause it has many cute animals and beautiful flowers and plants , it is so peaceful out here I was wearind a white dress so it got dirty in the ends because of the dirt hehe..I guess whoever cleans that dress will have a hard time,my lips are naturaly red, my skin is a milky shade . my hair is dark brown, my eyes are a very unique shade of gold  (basically the girl in the story's cover but younger ) I found an apple tree in the middle of a clearing , I rested against it a took a nap.

when I woke up I say the sun about to rise , oh gosh I slept too much the whole castle must be worried .

I used my magic to teleport to the palace, the place was quiet too quiet , when I walked into the castle I almost screamed but thought that maybe who did this is still here.

Dead bodies were everywhere ...all of my friends , family .I did the first thing that came to my mind check if anyone was still alive , but they all are not even bleeding , I knew it was a wizard or witch and whoever it is used the killing curse .. one of the forbidden curses in the wizarding world a.k.a my kingdom .

I found my brother in the 7th floor next to him a dead sarah I was crying so hard by now I used my Magic so my brother could live for more couple of minutes , he was the only one bleeding so I tried my best to keep him conscious and to make the pain easier for him .

"Thank you liz , pleasr don't cry " Aiden said while lying on the ground

I tried to stop the sobs as I asked him what happened . he explained that voldemort came here looking for me and killed every body in his way whis is basicly the whole castle, he explained that he said something about making the whole wizarding world forget there was even a kingdom and making them think it was just an old legend . he explained that voldemort thought sarah was me , so he won't be looking for me .

"liz please , make sure you are always safe and sound beacause you are the only one who could kill that monster" I was holding his hand while he died.

After that I made my decision . I will kill voldemort even if it is the last thing I do .

End Of Flashback

So this is how I ended up here, finally getting out of my frozen state and a hogwarts letter in my hands.

okay let me explain , after every thing happened .I went inside the forest
and found a hidden tower with no stairs ...PERFECT

I slept on the bed in there with a blood red rose in my hand and froze my own time , now you're probably wondering how am I going to know when is the right time to get up and get into plan.

I went into the sellers in Daigon alley's mind and controlled them then made them forget it ever happened
, I watched the four founders of hogwarts built it over the castle , so it can teach young wizards/witches how to use magic , I watched as tom riddle entered the school and I took over the current minister of magic's mind and used my powers to make a prophecy about harry potter because he would need to think that he is the one to kill voldemort for a couple of years, and then i planted said prophecy in the mind of one sybil trelawny so it can be given to Albus Dumbledore .

I watched as the potters died except for harry and as sirius black was taken to azkaban for something he never did, peter patiggrew became a traitor but when I heard harry potter was going to hogwarts this year, I knew it was time.


hello , this is my first story .if no one really reads it I am just not gonna write I basicly wrote it to see if I have a future in writing

so plzz if you like it vote and comment

XOXOXO =) =) =)


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