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Asalamu alikum wa'rahmatullahi wa'barakatuhu brothers and sisters.💕

I hope you're fine and in the best state of Imaan in shaa Allah.

I had exams blah blah but wait I hafta tell you something!

I had exams blah blah but wait I hafta tell you something!

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Recite this Dua before reading the chapter & please offer Salah and recite Quran if you didn't offer/recite yet. Rember Salah & Quran will intercede you on the Day of Judgement not anything else!


O Allah, on this day, take me closer towards Your pleasure, keep me away from Your anger and punishment, grant me the opportunity to recite Your verses (of the Qur'an), by Your mercy, O Allah the most Merciful.


(Still by this book I'm trying to share Islamic Reminders.

     Reason of writting this  book :

Earlier I wrote a book which is purely based on Islam but only Muslims were reading that and I guess people like to read stories [fictional character type😜] So, I thought of giving that type of touch to my book in a Islamic way so, that anyone can read this plus I hope this will make your Imaan rise in shaa Allah. If anyone has a suggestion for me please feel free to ping me for that. Jazakallahu khairan for the support and love for the book. )

Please do vote, comment coz that really encourages me to write more (persistently) and now Alhamdulillah my exams are over. So, I can ... I think you know 😀 yes update fast (in shaa Allah).

Okay okay enough of me ! 😬

Enjoy :)



Aunty In shaa Allah everything is gonna be fine. I'll talk to doctor. "Ok beta".

All just I want is to Kill Ziyan because he is responsible for this. Hayah thought.


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